achalasia | Failure of the smooth
muscle to relax at some junction in the digestive
tube, such as that between the esophagus and
achlorhydria | Lack of
hydrochloric acid in gastric secretions.
aphagia | Inability to swallow.
cholecystitis | Inflammation of the
cholelithiasis | Stones in the
cholestasis | Blockage in bile flow from
the gallbladder.
cirrhosis | Liver condition in which the
hepatic cells degenerate and the surrounding
connective tissues thicken.
diverticulitis | Inflammation of
small pouches (diverticula) that form in the lining
and wall of the colon.
dumping syndrome | Symptoms, including diarrhea, that often occur
following a gastrectomy.
dysentery | Intestinal infection, caused
by viruses, bacteria, or protozoans, that causes
diarrhea and cramps.
dyspepsia | Indigestion; difficulty in
digesting a meal.
dysphagia | Difficulty in swallowing.
enteritis | Inflammation of the intestine.
esophagitis | Inflammation of the
gastrectomy | Partial or complete
removal of the stomach.
gastrostomy | The creation of an
opening in the stomach wall through which food
and liquids may be administered when swallowing
is not possible.
glossitis | Inflammation of the tongue.
ileitis | Inflammation of the ileum.
ileus | Obstruction of the intestine due to an
inhibition of motility or a mechanical cause.
pharyngitis | Inflammation of the
pylorospasm | Spasm of the pyloric
portion of the stomach or of the pyloric sphincter.
pyorrhea | Inflammation of the dental
periosteum with pus formation.
stomatitis | Inflammation of the lining
of the mouth.