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Clinical Terms
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cachexia  State of chronic malnutrition and physical wasting.
casein  Primary protein found in milk.
celiac disease  Inability to digest or use fats and carbohydrates.
emaciation  Extreme leanness due to tissue wasting.
hyperalimentation  Longterm intravenous nutrition.
hypercalcemia  Excess calcium in the blood.
hypercalciuria  Excess excretion of calcium in the urine.
hyperglycemia  Excess glucose in the blood.
hyperkalemia  Excess potassium in the blood.
hypernatremia  Excess sodium in the blood.
hypoalbuminemia  Low level of albumin in the blood.
hypoglycemia  Low level of glucose in the blood.
hypokalemia  Low level of potassium in the blood.
hyponatremia  Low level of sodium in the blood.
isocaloric  Containing equal amounts of heat energy.
lipogenesis  The formation of fat.
nyctalopia  Night blindness.
polyphagia  Overeating.
proteinuria  Protein in the urine.

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