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Clinical Terms
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achondroplasia  Inherited condition that retards formation of cartilaginous bone. The result is a type of dwarfism.
acromegaly  Abnormal enlargement of facial features, hands, and feet in adults as a result of overproduction of growth hormone.
Colles fracture  Fracture at the distal end of the radius that displaces the smaller fragment posteriorly.
epiphysiolysis  Separation or loosening of the epiphysis from the diaphysis of a bone.
laminectomy  Surgical removal of the posterior arch of a vertebra, usually to relieve symptoms of a ruptured intervertebral disc.
lumbago  Dull ache in the lumbar region of the back.
orthopedics  Medical specialty that prevents, diagnoses, and treats diseases and abnormalities of the skeletal and muscular systems.
ostealgia  Pain in a bone.
ostectomy  Surgical removal of a bone.
osteitis  Inflammation of bone tissue.
osteochondritis  Inflammation of bone and cartilage tissues.
osteogenesis  Bone development.
osteogenesis imperfecta  Inherited condition of deformed and abnormally brittle bones.
osteoma  Tumor composed of bone tissue.
osteomalacia  Softening of adult bone due to a disorder in calcium and phosphorus metabolism, usually caused by vitamin D deficiency.
osteomyelitis  Bone inflammation caused by the body’s reaction to bacterial or fungal infection.
osteonecrosis  Death of bone tissue. This condition most commonly occurs in the femur head in elderly persons and may be due to obstructed arteries supplying the bone.
osteopathology  Study of bone diseases.
osteopenia  Decrease in bone mass due to reduction in rate of bone tissue formation.
osteoporosis  Decreased bone mineral content.
osteotomy  Cutting a bone.

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