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Which of the following was important in Garrod's proposal regarding inheritance of a defective enzyme?
A)Identification of a defective gene in individuals with alkaptonuria.
B)Identification of a defective gene in parents of alkaptonuria patients.
C)Identification of a defective enzyme in individuals with alkaptonuria.
D)Identification of the inheritance pattern of alkaptonuria as autosomal recessive.

Which of the following correctly restates the one gene — one enzyme theory?
A)Every gene encodes a protein.
B)Each structural gene encodes an essential metabolic enzyme.
C)Each structural protein is encoded by a single gene.
D)All of these.
E)None of these.

Which statement about the genetic code is not correct?
A)Most amino acids are specified by more than one codon.
B)Many codons have more than one function.
C)Some organisms use codons differently than other organisms.
D)In some cases, the third base of a codon is nonessential.
E)None of these (all these statements are correct).

What characteristic of proflavin allowed Crick to use it in his determination that the genetic code is a triplet code?
A)It causes mutations in DNa.
B)It can cause large deletions in DNa.
C)It causes single insertions or deletions in DNA sequences.
D)It can be lethal.

Which of the following facts is the most important evidence that the genetic code is a triplet code?
A)Insertions or deletions caused significant defects in protein structure.
B)The effect of single insertions could be remedied by single deletions nearby.
C)Two nearby insertions caused significant defects in protein structure.
D)Three insertions near each other often led to minor defects in protein structure.

What primarily determines the specific chemical character of a particular amino acid?
A)The amino (NH3+) group.
B)The carboxyl (COO-) group.
C)The R group.
D)All of these.
E)None of these.

Which of the following represents the primary structure of a protein?
A)Folding which allows amino acids of a polypeptide to be arranged in regions of similar characteristics (hydrophobic residues together, for ex.).
B)Local folding which is stabilized by hydrogen bonds.
C)The sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide.
D)Interactions between two or more polypeptides.

Using Figure 13.5, which amino acid would be most likely to interact with serine in formation of secondary or tertiary structure?
D)Any of these with equal affinity.
E)None of these.

Which of the following could not potentially explain the albino phenotype in humans?
A)Lack of an enzyme that synthesizes the pigment molecules.
B)Lack of a protein that transports the pigment molecules to the appropriate location.
C)Lack of a receptor protein that allows the pigment to be taken up into appropriate cells.
D)All of these.
E)None of these.

A tRNA molecule must:
A)have a base pair sequence identical to the codon in the mRNa.
B)be attached to a particular amino acid.
C)bind to the protein to determine primary sequence.
D)All of these.
E)None of these.

Which of these would be LEAST likely to lead to incorporation of the wrong amino acid into a polypeptide?
A)A change in the wobble base of the codon.
B)A mistake in amino acid attachment to the tRNa.
C)A change in the third base of the anticodon.
D)All of these would be expected to lead to incorporation of the wrong amino acid.
E)None of these would be expected to lead to incorporation of the wrong amino acid.

Which portion of the tRNA molecule is specifically recognized by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase?
A)The acceptor stem.
B)Bases in the stem loop regions.
C)The anticodon region.
D)All of these.
E)None of these.

Which of these is a structural difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cytosolic ribosomes?
A)Prokaryotic ribosomes consist of two subunits.
B)Eukaryotic ribosomes consist of both protein and RNa.
C)Eukaryotic ribosomes are smaller than prokaryotic ribosomes.
D)All of these.
E)None of these.

Which of these represents a difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic transcription?
A)Initiation factors are required for forming a eukaryotic initiation complex.
B)A Koxak consensus sequence identifies the start codon in eukaryotes.
C)Binding of the initiator tRNA is required for assembly of the initiation complex in eukaryotes.
D)All of these are differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic transcription.
E)None of these are differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic transcription.

Which of these is an enzymatic function of the ribosome?
A)Polynucleotide kinase.
B)Base pair recognition.
C)Methyl transferase.
D)Peptidyl transferase.

Termination codons differ from other codons in that:
A)they only recognize a single tRNa.
B)they are capable of binding to many different tRNAs.
C)they bind to release factors instead of tRNAs.
D)they only specify a single amino aciD. E. Termination codons do not differ from other codons.

Which of these DNA elements does NOT encode information that is recognized as RNA or protein?
A)Shine-Dalgarno sequence.
B)Kozak consensus sequence.
C)Sorting signals.
D)All of these are recognized only as DNA.
E)None of these are recognized only as DNA.

Translation converts information from the language of nucleic acids to the language of proteins.

The genetic code is universal, meaning that any given codon specifies the same amino acid, regardless of the type of cell.

A polypeptide is the same thing as a protein.

Codons may have different functions than specification of amino acids.

The organization of a polypeptide into a functional protein is typically a spontaneous process.

A particular polypeptide may either form α helices or β sheets.

Ribozyme activity is required for both transcription and translation.

In a polyribosome, the longest polypeptide chain would be expected to be attached to the ribosome which is farthest away from the RNA polymerase.

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