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10.1 Tissues of the Skeletal System 10.1 Tissues of the Skeletal System 10.1 Tissues of the Skeletal System
  • Various connective tissues are necessary to the anatomy of bones, which are organs in the skeletal system.
  1. What is the anatomy of compact bone? Of spongy bone?
  2. What are the three types of cartilage, and where are they found in the body?
  3. What type of connective tissue makes up ligaments and tendons?
  4. What is the structure of a typical bone, such as a long bone?

Essential Study Partner

10.2 Bone Growth and Repair 10.2 Bone Growth and Repair 10.2 Bone Growth and Repair
  • Bone is a living tissue; therefore, it grows and undergoes repair.
  • The fetal skeleton is cartilaginous and then is replaced by bone.
  • The adult bones undergo remodeling-they are constantly being broken down and rebuilt.
  • The mending of a fracture requires certain identifiable steps.
  1. What are the types of cells involved in bone growth and repair?
  2. How does bone growth occur during development?
  3. What hormones are involved with bone growth?
  4. How does remodeling affect the blood calcium concentration?
  5. How does bone repair itself?

Bioethical Case Studies

10.3 Bones of the Skeleton 10.3 Bones of the Skeleton 10.3 Bones of the Skeleton
  • The bones of the skeleton are divided into those of the axial skeleton and those of the appendicular skeleton.
  1. What are the functions of the skeletal system?
  2. What are the bones of the axial and appendicular skeletons?
  3. What are the bones of the cranium and how are they situated?
  4. What are the bones of the face and how do they contribute to facial features?
  5. What is the structure and function of the various types of vertebrae and the rib cage?
  6. What are the bones of a pectoral girdle and the upper limb? Of the pelvic girdle and lower limb? How do these bones function?

Essential Study Partner

Art Labeling Activity

10.4 Articulations 10.4 Articulations 10.4 Articulations
  • Joints are classified according to their anatomy, and only one type is freely movable.
  • Freely movable joints are subject to arthritis, a disorder that limits their mobility.
  1. What are the different types of articulations and what type movements are permitted by synovial joints?
  2. What are the symptoms of arthritic joints, and what treatments are available?


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