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12.1 Nervous Tissue12.1 Nervous Tissue12.1 Nervous Tissue
  • The nervous system contains cells called neurons, which are specialized to carry nerve impulses.
  • A nerve impulse is an electrochemical change that travels along the length of a neuron axon.
  • Transmission of signals between neurons is dependent on neurotransmitter molecules.
  1. What are the two major divisions of the nervous system?
  2. What are the three types of neurons and what are the three parts of a neuron?
  3. What is a nerve impulse and how is it propagated?
  4. Since neurons don't physically touch, how is an impulse transmitted from one neuron to the next?

Essential Study Partner

Animation Activity

Art Labeling Activity

Art Quiz

12.2 The Central Nervous System12.2 The Central Nervous System12.2 The Central Nervous System
  • The central nervous system is made up of the spinal cord and the brain.
  • The spinal cord transmits messages to and from the brain and coordinates reflex responses.
  • The parts of the brain are specialized for particular functions.
  • The cerebral cortex contains motor areas, sensory areas, and association areas that communicate with each other.
  • The reticular formation contains fibers that arouse the brain when they are active and account for sleep when they are inactive.
  1. What structures compose the central nervous system?
  2. What are the two functions of the spinal cord?
  3. What are the four major parts of the brain and the general function of each?
  4. What brain structure is responsible for a person being awake and alert, asleep, or comatose?

Essential Study Partner

Art Labeling Activity

Bioethical Case Studies

General Biology Case Studies

12.3 The Limbic System and Highear Mental Functions12.3 The Limbic System and Highear Mental Functions12.3 The Limbic System and Highear Mental Functions
  • The limbic system contains cortical and subcortical areas that are involved in higher mental functions and emotional responses.
  • Long-term memory depends upon association areas that are in contact with the limbic system.
  • Particular areas in the left hemisphere are involved in language and speech.
  1. What is the function of the limbic system?
  2. What limbic system structures are involved in learning and long-term memory?
  3. What areas of the cerebrum are involved in language and speech? Where are they located?

Art Quiz

12.4 The Peripheral Nervous System12.4 The Peripheral Nervous System12.4 The Peripheral Nervous System
  • The peripheral nervous system contains nerves that conduct nerve impulses toward and away from the central nervous system.
  1. How many cranial nerves are there? How many spinal nerves are there?
  2. What is the fastest way for you to react to a stimulus?
  3. What is the autonomic system, and how does it function?

Essential Study Partner

Animation Activity

12.5 Drug Abuse12.5 Drug Abuse12.5 Drug Abuse
  • The use of psychoactive drugs, such as alcohol, nicotine, cocaine, heroin, and marijuana is detrimental to the body.
  1. How can the abuse of drugs, including alcohol and nicotine, affect the nervous system?

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