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17.1 Cell Increase and Decrease17.1 Cell Increase and Decrease17.1 Cell Increase and Decrease
  • Cell Division increases the number of cells in the body.
  • Apoptosis reduces the number of cells in the body.
  • Cell division occurs in stages called the cell cycle. The cell cycle is controlled by chemical signals.
  1. What are somatic cells, and what process increases the number of somatic cells? What process decreases the number of somatic cells?
  2. What are the four stages of the cell cycle?
  3. How do the stages of the cell cycle prepare a cell for mitosis?

Essential Study Partner

  • Mitosis / Cell Cycle
    Path: ESP Genetics Cell Division Mitosis / Cell Cycles

Animation Activities

17.2 Mitosis17.2 Mitosis17.2 Mitosis
  • Mitosis, nuclear division in which the chromosomal number remains constant, is involved in growth and repair.
  • Cytokinesis divides the cytoplasm and organelles between the daughter cells.
  1. Following mitosis, how does the chromosome number of the daughter cells compare to the chromosome number of the parent cell?
  2. What are the phases of mitosis and what happens during each phase?
  3. How is the cytoplasm divided between the daughter cells, following mitosis?

Animation Activity

Art Labeling Activity

17.3 Meiosis17.3 Meiosis17.3 Meiosis
  • Meiosis, nuclear division in which the chromosomal number is reduced by one-half, is involved in gamete production.
  • Meiosis provides genetic recombination.
  1. Following meiosis, how does the chromosome number of the daughter cells compare to the chromosome number of the parent cell?
  2. How does meiosis reduce the likelihood that gametes will have the same combination of chromosomes and genes?
  3. What are the phases of meiosis and what happens during each phase?

Essential Study Partner

Animation Activities

Art Labeling Activity

17.4 Comparison of Meiosis with Mitosis17.4 Comparison of Meiosis with Mitosis17.4 Comparison of Meiosis with Mitosis
  • Mitosis requires one nuclear division; meiosis requires two nuclear divisions.
  • Cells resulting from the process of mitosis are diploid; cells resulting from meiosis are haploid.
  1. What are the major differences between meiosis and mitosis?

Essential Study Partner

Animation Activities

17.5 The Human Life Cycle17.5 The Human Life Cycle17.5 The Human Life Cycle
  • The human life cycle involves two types of cell divisions: mitosis and meiosis.
  • One gamete results as the product of meiosis in human females; four gametes are formed following meiosis in males.
  1. The human life cycle involves what two types of nuclear divisions?
  2. What is the function of mitosis and meiosis in humans?
  3. How does the process of spermatogenesis differ from oogenesis?

Essential Study Partner

  • Life Cycles
    (Path: ESP Animals Reproduction Introduction)

Animation Activities

Chapter Summary

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