1 |  |  The Cell Theory states that all living things are made of cells and: |
|  | A) | come from minerals |
|  | B) | were spontaneously generated. |
|  | C) | come from pre-existing cells. |
|  | D) | come from inorganic compounds |
2 |  |  Which of the following was probably NOT found in the Earth's primitive atmosphere? |
|  | A) | water vapor |
|  | B) | oxygen |
|  | C) | nitrogen |
|  | D) | carbon dioxide |
3 |  |  Which of the following was NOT an energy source available on primitive Earth? |
|  | A) | lightning |
|  | B) | volcanoes |
|  | C) | UV radiation |
|  | D) | Atomic energy |
4 |  |  An experiment by ____ seemed to prove that the primitive gases could react to form small organic molecules. |
|  | A) | Stanley Miller. |
|  | B) | Sidney Fox |
|  | C) | Charles Darwin |
|  | D) | Jean-Baptiste Lamarck |
5 |  |  According to the _____ hypothesis, only RNA was needed to progress to true cells. |
|  | A) | protein-first |
|  | B) | RNA-first |
6 |  |  The first macromolecules could have been: |
|  | A) | RNA and lipids |
|  | B) | lipids and polypeptides |
|  | C) | DNA and RNA |
|  | D) | polypeptides and RNA |
7 |  |  A ______ was formed by the combination of polypeptides, microspheres and lipids. |
|  | A) | prokaryote |
|  | B) | protocell |
|  | C) | eukaryote |
|  | D) | bacteria |
8 |  |  The correct sequence of events in organic evolution is: |
|  | A) | proteins and nucleic acids, protocells, gases, simple organic molecules, first cells |
|  | B) | gases, simple organic molecules, proteins and nucleic acids, protocells, first cells. |
|  | C) | protocells, gases, simple organic molecules, proteins and nucleic acids, first cells |
9 |  |  The protocells were most likely: |
|  | A) | autotrophs |
|  | B) | heterotrophs |
|  | C) | carnivores |
|  | D) | None of the above |
10 |  |  ____ is a change in life forms which has taken place in the past and will take place in the future. |
|  | A) | Adaptation |
|  | B) | RNA-first hypothesis |
|  | C) | Biological evolution |
|  | D) | Chemical evolution |
11 |  |  The descent from a common ancestor explains: |
|  | A) | the common chemistry in living things. |
|  | B) | the diversity in living things. |
|  | C) | the common cellular structure in living things. |
|  | D) | Both A and C are correct |
12 |  |  Charles Darwin formulated the theory of ____ to explain common descent. |
|  | A) | evolution |
|  | B) | artificial selection |
|  | C) | dominant traits. |
|  | D) | selective death |
13 |  |  Evidence for evolution includes _______, which is the study of the distribution of plants and animals throughout the world. |
|  | A) | limnology |
|  | B) | anthropology |
|  | C) | biogeography |
|  | D) | phenology |
14 |  |  That all vertebrate animals have essentially the same types of skeleton is an example of ______ evidence for evolution. |
|  | A) | anatomical |
|  | B) | fossil |
|  | C) | biogeographical |
|  | D) | biochemical |
15 |  |  Structures that have the same function but not a common ancestry are _____ structures. |
|  | A) | homologous |
|  | B) | vestigial |
|  | C) | analogous |
|  | D) | fossil |
16 |  |  ____ are the remains or evidence of some organism that lived long ago. |
|  | A) | Leftovers |
|  | B) | Fossils |
|  | C) | Moldings |
|  | D) | Imprints |
17 |  |  That almost all living organisms have the same types of DNA, ATP, and the 20 amino acids is ____ evidence of a common ancestor. |
|  | A) | biochemical |
|  | B) | anatomical |
|  | C) | biogeographical |
|  | D) | adaptational |
18 |  |  The critical arguments for Darwin's theory of Natural Selection includes all of the following EXCEPT: |
|  | A) | body size |
|  | B) | Struggle for existence |
|  | C) | survival of the fittest |
|  | D) | adaptation |
19 |  |  The idea that acquired characteristics, like giraffes stretching their necks, can be passed to offspring was espoused by: |
|  | A) | Charles Darwin |
|  | B) | Jean-Baptiste Lamarck |
|  | C) | Stanley Miller |
|  | D) | Sidney Fox |
20 |  |  Genus and species comprise the __________ name of an organism. |
|  | A) | trinomial |
|  | B) | binomial |
|  | C) | common |
|  | D) | unilateral |
21 |  |  Primates are adapted to: |
|  | A) | a marine life. |
|  | B) | living in trees. |
|  | C) | killing others of their own kind |
|  | D) | cold weather. |
22 |  |  Opposable thumbs make grasping possible: |
|  | A) | in all animals. |
|  | B) | in knuckle-walking animals. |
|  | C) | only in primates. |
|  | D) | only in mammals. |
23 |  |  One birth at a time for primates make it easier: |
|  | A) | to maintain a monogamous relationship. |
|  | B) | for a troop of animals to stay together. |
|  | C) | to live in a tree. |
|  | D) | to walk on the ground. |
24 |  |  The ability to learn in primates is primarily associated with: |
|  | A) | good vision |
|  | B) | a keen sense of smell. |
|  | C) | a large forebrain. |
|  | D) | walking erect. |
25 |  |  Humans and not apes are in the family ____. |
|  | A) | Pongidae |
|  | B) | Hominidae. |
|  | C) | Hylobatidae |
26 |  |  Australopithecus afarensis (Lucy): |
|  | A) | was bipedal and walked erect. |
|  | B) | fossils have been found in Africa |
|  | C) | used tools |
|  | D) | Both A and B are correct |
27 |  |  Fossils are assigned to the genus homo if: |
|  | A) | tool use is evident |
|  | B) | jaws and teeth resemble humans |
|  | C) | the brain size is 600 cm3 or more |
|  | D) | All of the above |
28 |  |  ______ depends on the ability to speak and transmit knowledge. |
|  | A) | Use of fire |
|  | B) | Making tools |
|  | C) | Culture |
|  | D) | Gathering food |
29 |  |  Homo erectus: |
|  | A) | made advanced tools |
|  | B) | had knowledge of fire. |
|  | C) | fossils have been found in Africa and Europe. |
|  | D) | All of the above |
30 |  |  Scientists have determined that the ____ most likely describes the pattern of evolution of modern humans. |
|  | A) | out-of-Africa hypothesis. |
|  | B) | multiregional continuity hypothesis. |
|  | C) | scientific community does not agree on either hypothesis. |
31 |  |  Which of the following are characteristics of Neanderthal man? |
|  | A) | could throw a spear, had a language, made cave paintings |
|  | B) | Buried their dead, lived in caves, used fire |
32 |  |  The scientific name for Cro-Magnon is: |
|  | A) | Homo erectus |
|  | B) | Homo sapiens |
|  | C) | Homo habilis |
|  | D) | Australopithecus afarensis |
33 |  |  The facial features, hunting ability, and culture of the ___ distinctly resemble modern humans. |
|  | A) | Neanderthals |
|  | B) | Cro-Magnons |
|  | C) | Australopithecines |
34 |  |  All human races of today are one species because: |
|  | A) | all races can interbreed and bear fertile offspring. |
|  | B) | all races look alike. |
|  | C) | all races originated in Africa. |
35 |  |  Differences between races developed as adaptations to: |
|  | A) | topography |
|  | B) | social situations |
|  | C) | climate |
|  | D) | diet. |