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27.1 Human Population Growth27.1 Human Population Growth27.1 Human Population Growth
  • Populations have a biotic potential for increasing in size.
  • The human population is experiencing exponential growth.
  • Patterns of growth differ in the more developed countries (MDC's) as compared to the less developed countries (LDC's).
  1. Are the more-developed countries or the less-developed countries now undergoing exponential population growth?

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27.2 Human Use of Resources and Pollution27.2 Human Use of Resources and Pollution27.2 Human Use of Resources and Pollution
  • Natural resources are classified as nonrenewable or renewable.
  • Land, water, energy, food, and minerals are resources used by humans.
  • Resource consumption can lead to pollution
  1. What five resources are maximally utilized by humans?
  2. Which ecosystems suffer the most due to human habitation?
  3. How do humans increase the supply of fresh water, and what are the consequences of doing so?
  4. What farming methods are in use today, and what are the possible environmental consequences?
  5. Why is it better for humans to use renewable rather than nonrenewable sources?
  6. The consumption of mineral resources has what environmental consequences?
  7. What hazardous wastes are present in the environment?

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27.3 Biodiversity27.3 Biodiversity27.3 Biodiversity
  • Biodiversity has both direct and indirect value.
  • Habitat loss, introduction of alien species, pollution, overexploitation, and disease are now largely responsible for the loss of biodiversity.
  1. What are the chief causes of species extinctions?
  2. What are the indirect and direct benefits of preserving wildlife?

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  • Extinction
  • Species
  • 27.4 Working Toward a Sustainable Society27.4 Working Toward a Sustainable Society27.4 Working Toward a Sustainable Society
    • A sustainable society utilizes renewable resources.
    • Our present day society is not sustainable.
    1. What are the characteristics of today's unsustainable society?
    2. What are the characteristics of a sustainable society?

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