1 | | Which type of tissue moves the body and its parts? |
| | A) | nervous |
| | B) | muscle |
| | C) | connective |
| | D) | epithelial |
2 | | The three components of connective tissue are_______. |
| | A) | cells, ground substance, and carbohydrate fibers |
| | B) | cells, fat, and protein fibers |
| | C) | cells, ground substance, and protein fibers |
| | D) | cells, ground substance, and enzymes |
3 | | The fiber types of connective tissue are________. |
| | A) | collagen, adipose, and elastic |
| | B) | collagen, reticular, elastic |
| | C) | reticular, fibroblast, elastic |
| | D) | collagen, fibroblast, and reticular |
4 | | The protein collagen provides ______ to connective tissues. |
| | A) | flexibility |
| | B) | strength |
| | C) | flexibility and strength |
5 | | The fibroblasts in adipose tissue enlarge and store ______ . |
| | A) | protein |
| | B) | starch |
| | C) | fat |
| | D) | sugar |
6 | | In cartilage, the cells lie in small chambers called ______. |
| | A) | mountings |
| | B) | lamellae |
| | C) | adipose |
| | D) | lacunae |
7 | | Which cartilage is found in the pads between the vertebrae? |
| | A) | hyaline |
| | B) | elastic |
| | C) | fibrocartilage |
8 | | The most rigid connective tissue is called ____. |
| | A) | cartilage |
| | B) | bone |
| | C) | dense connective tissue |
| | D) | adipose tissue |
9 | | In compact bone, bone cells are located in lacunae that are arranged in concentric circles around tiny cylinders called ______ . |
| | A) | osteocyte |
| | B) | canal |
| | C) | osteons |
| | D) | matrix |
10 | | Which connective tissue has a fluid matrix located in blood vessels? |
| | A) | bone |
| | B) | blood |
| | C) | cartilage |
| | D) | bone, blood, and cartilage |
11 | | Which components of blood are fragments of giant cells? |
| | A) | platelets |
| | B) | red blood cells |
| | C) | white blood cells |
12 | | Which type of tissue makes up the structure of lymph nodes? |
| | A) | fibrous connective |
| | B) | adipose |
| | C) | blood |
| | D) | cartilage |
13 | | Skeletal muscle fibers are ______ . |
| | A) | smooth |
| | B) | striated |
| | C) | spindle-shaped |
| | D) | fragmented |
14 | | Where is smooth muscle found? |
| | A) | intestines |
| | B) | stomach |
| | C) | blood vessels |
| | D) | intestines, stomach, and blood vessels |
15 | | A distinguishing characteristic of cardiac muscle cells is the presence of ____________. |
| | A) | actin filaments |
| | B) | intercalated disks |
| | C) | neuroglia |
| | D) | neurons |
16 | | The brain and spinal cord contain conducting cells called ______ . |
| | A) | dendrites |
| | B) | neurons |
| | C) | neuroglia |
| | D) | axons |
17 | | Neuroglial cells ______ . |
| | A) | support neurons |
| | B) | protect neurons |
| | C) | provide nutrients to neurons |
| | D) | support, protect, and provide nutrients to neurons |
18 | | Researchers are convinced that damaged central nervous system axons can regenerate through__________. |
| | A) | special diets |
| | B) | proper rest |
| | C) | exercise |
| | D) | surgery |
19 | | Which type of epithelial tissue can be found in the lining of kidney tubules? |
| | A) | simple squamous |
| | B) | stratified |
| | C) | columnar |
| | D) | cuboidal |
20 | | Glands that secrete their product into ducts are called ______ glands. |
| | A) | endocrine |
| | B) | exocrine |
| | C) | isocrine |
| | D) | leaky |
21 | | The skin covers the body, protecting the underlying parts from ______ . |
| | A) | physical trauma |
| | B) | microbial invasion |
| | C) | water loss |
| | D) | physical trauma, microbial invasion, and water loss |
22 | | The ______ layer lies below the dermis of the skin. |
| | A) | epidermis |
| | B) | gastrodermis |
| | C) | subcutaneous |
| | D) | supracutaneous |
23 | | Also called sudoriferous glands, these glands are quite numerous and are present in all regions of skin. |
| | A) | sweat glands |
| | B) | oil glands |
| | C) | follicle glands |
| | D) | subcutaneous glands |
24 | | The _____ system transports nutrients and oxygen to cells and removes their waste. |
| | A) | digestive |
| | B) | cardiovascular |
| | C) | excretory |
| | D) | respiratory |
25 | | Freely moving joint cavities are lined with _____ membranes. |
| | A) | synovial |
| | B) | serous |
| | C) | pleural |
| | D) | mucous |
26 | | The connective tissue membranes that serve as a protective covering for the brain and spinal cord are the____________. |
| | A) | mucous membranes |
| | B) | serous membranes |
| | C) | synovial membranes |
| | D) | meninges |
27 | | The risk factor for getting diabetes type 2 is _________. |
| | A) | excessive food intake |
| | B) | fat in the abdominal region |
| | C) | physical inactivity |
| | D) | All are risk factors |
28 | | Maintaining the level of blood glucose is an example of _________. |
| | A) | relative constancy |
| | B) | diabetes |
| | C) | homeostasis |
| | D) | internal constancy |