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6.1 Blood: An Overview6.1 Blood: An Overview6.1 Blood: An Overview
  • Blood is composed of cells and a fluid containing many inorganic and organic molecules.
  1. What are the functions of blood and what are its two main portions?

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Bioethical Case Studies

6.2 Composition of Blood6.2 Composition of Blood6.2 Composition of Blood
  • Plasma is over 90% water and contains a variety of proteins and other molecules.
  • Blood is composed of cells and a fluid containing many inorganic and organic molecules.
  • Red blood cells are very abundant in blood and function in oxygen transport.
  • There are several types of white blood cells, and each type has a specific function in defending the body against disease.
  1. What is the composition of plasma, and what are the functions of the plasma proteins?
  2. What substance allows red blood cells to transport oxygen?
  3. What are the formed elements?
  4. What events comprise the life cycle of red blood cells?
  5. What are the different types of white blood cells?
  6. What is the structure and function of each type of white blood cell?

Case Study

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Essential Study Partner

6.3 Blood Clotting6.3 Blood Clotting6.3 Blood Clotting
  • Platelets are fragments of larger cells that function in blood clotting.
  1. What are the participants in blood clotting, and what are their functions?

Case Study

6.4 Blood Typing6.4 Blood Typing6.4 Blood Typing
  • Blood is typed according to the antigens present on red blood cells.
  1. What are the different types of blood, and how is blood typed?

Animation Quiz

Art Quiz

6.5 Capillary Exchange6.5 Capillary Exchange6.5 Capillary Exchange
  • An exchange of materials between blood and tissue cells takes place across cardiovascular capillary walls.
  • Excess tissue fluid is absorbed by lymphatic capillaries and returned to cardiovascular veins.
  1. How does the structure of a capillary suit its function?
  2. How does the exchange of materials take place across a capillary wall in the tissues?
  3. What happens to excess tissue fluid created by capillary exchange?

Art Labeling Activity

6.6 Homeostasis6.6 Homeostasis6.6 Homeostasis
  • The cardiovascular system works with the other systems of the body to maintain homeostasis.
  1. How does the cardiovascular system work with the other systems of the body to maintain homeostasis?

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