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7.1 The Digestive Tract7.1 The Digestive Tract 7.1 The Digestive Tract
  • The human digestive system is an extended tube with specialized parts between two openings, the mouth and the anus.
  • Food is ingested and then digested to small molecules that are absorbed. Indigestible materials are eliminated.
  1. What is the general structure of the digestive tract and what are its functions?
  2. The path of food involves what organs of the digestive system? What are their respective special features and functions?
  3. How does the structure of the small intestine facilitate absorption of nutrients?
  4. How are digestive secretions regulated?
  5. What happens to indigestible materials?

Essential Study Partner

Art Labeling Activity

7.2 Three Accessory Organs7.2 Three Accessory Organs7.2 Three Accessory Organs
  • The pancreas, the liver, and the gallbladder are accessory organs of digestion because their activities assist the digestive process.
  1. What are the three main accessory organs that assist with the digestive process?
  2. How does each accessory organ contribute to the digestion of food?

Essential Study Partner

ESP activity

Art Labeling Activity

7.3 Digestive Enzymes7.3 Digestive Enzymes7.3 Digestive Enzymes
  • The products of digestion are small molecules, such as amino acids, fatty acids, and glucose, that can cross plasma membranes.
  • The digestive enzymes are specific and have an optimum temperature and pH at which they function.
  1. What nutrient molecules are absorbed following the digestion of carbohydrates? Of proteins? Of lipids?
  2. What are the main digestive enzymes, and what factors affect how they function?

Essential Study Partner

7.4 Nutrition7.4 Nutrition7.4 Nutrition
  • Proper nutrition supplies the body with energy, nutrients, and all vitamins and minerals.
  1. Five classes of nutrients make what specific contributions to nutrition?
  2. What health problems can arise from a diet high in proteins and lipids?
  3. What are the characteristics of three main eating disorders?

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Bioethical Case Studies

General Biology Case Studies

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