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Module Review
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Although depressed people are thinkers, research indicates that they make surprisingly judgments. Depressed people are more likely to attribute failure to causes that are , global, and .

Our color our thinking. Depression definitely has both cognitive and consequences. At the same time, evidence suggests that a negative style contributes to depressive reactions.

Those who suffer chronic are also caught in a vicious cycle of self-defeating social and social . They blame for their poor social relationships and perceive others in ways.

We feel anxious when we are motivated to others but doubt our ability to do so. is a form of social anxiety characterized by self-consciousness and worry about what others think.

In treating psychological disorders some therapists assume that internal change can be triggered by changes in . Experiments indicate that the things we say about ourselves can influence how we inwardly .

A self-defeating cycle of negative attitudes and behaviors can be broken by training more behavior, and by directly modifying negative patterns.

Myers Exploring Social PsychOnline Learning Center

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