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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following is not identified in the text as a defining mark of a cult?
A)a living, charismatic leader
B)the distinctive ritual of devotion to a god or a person
C)isolation from the surrounding culture
D)a strong belief in an afterlife

The text states that explaining why people believe something reveals
A)whether the belief is accurate
B)nothing about the truth of the belief
C)nothing about how the belief can be changed
D)nothing about the function of the belief

New cult converts are quickly made active members of the group and their commitment typically grows. This is an example of how
A)compliance breeds acceptance
B)the inoculation effect
C)social implosion
D)the overjustification effect

In Peoples Temple, monetary offerings were first voluntary, then made 10-percent-of-income, then increased to 25 percent. This is an example of
A)the inoculation effect
B)the door-in-the-face technique
C)the foot-in-the-door phenomenon
D)central route persuasion

According to the cult researcher Margaret Singer, youths from which class may be most trusting and thus vulnerable to a "credible" communicator?
A)lower class
B)middle class
C)upper class
D)all are equally vulnerable

According to the text, which age group is most vulnerable to cult indoctrination?
A)under age 25
B)between 25 and 35
C)between 35 and 45
D)over 60

Social implosion occurs in groups when
A)ties with people outside the group weaken and each member interacts only with other group members
B)a cult member overthrows the leader
C)the poorer members assume leadership and the wealthy become the followers
D)the cult seeks to attempt major changes in society

Attitude inoculation seeks to strengthen beliefs
A)by giving supporting arguments for the beliefs
B)by using different channels to communicate the same message
C)by providing social support for the beliefs
D)through a weak attack on the beliefs

According to the text, the inoculation research suggests that one can build up resistance to persuasion by
A)listening only to rational appeals
B)seeking social support for one's beliefs
C)being an active listener
D)ignoring emotional appeals

According to the text, inoculation procedures have been successfully used in helping
A)motorists to use seat belts
B)citizens to work for nuclear disarmament
C)young people to resist peer pressure to smoke
D)the elderly to resist political pressures to reduce Social Security benefits

The Unification Church successfully recruits ________________ of those who attend its workshops.
A)more than 75 percent
B)about 50 percent
C)about 25 percent
D)less than 10 percent

The text states that cult recruitment techniques are in some ways similar to the recruitment strategies used by
A)the U.S. military
B)fraternities and sororities
C)political parties
D)none of the above--cult influence techniques are unique

McGuire reported that people were less susceptible to a massive attack on a widely-accepted belief or "cultural truism" if
A)they had earlier received a mild challenge to the belief
B)they were told that less intelligent people rejected the belief
C)first exposed to an attractive communicator who reaffirmed the belief
D)distracted by a debate on a more controversial issue

Cults who forewarn their members of how family and friends will attack the cult's beliefs are using the _____________________ principle.
A)social facilitation
C)attitude inoculation

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