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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Research findings in social psychology on tug-of-war teams most clearly challenges the common notion that
A)there is unity in strength
B)too many cooks spoil the broth
C)to win one should divide and conquer
D)familiarity breeds contempt

People who benefit from the group but give little in return are referred to in social psychology as
A)loafing groupies
B)social misfits
C)slacking collectives
D)free riders

Social facilitation and social loafing have been explained in terms of a difference in
A)evaluation concern
B)informational influence
C)cognitive dissonance
D)group polarization

The performance of additive tasks is likely to lead to
A)social facilitation
B)social comparison
C)social loafing
D)the risky shift

Poor coordination of individual efforts has been offered as an explanation for
B)social loafing
C)social facilitation
D)group polarization

Which of the following is false?
A)groups of friends loaf less than groups of strangers
B)Israel's communal kibbutz farms have outproduced Israel's noncollective farms
C)research completed in Japan, Thailand, and India indicates that social loafing does not occur in less individualistic, more group-centered cultures
D)students pumped exercise bikes more energetically when they knew they were being individually monitored than when they thought their output was being pooled with that of other riders

Experiments show that people in groups loaf less when
A)the task is routine
B)they are in an unfamiliar setting
C)they have a strong sense of external control
D)the task is challenging

Social loafing would be least likely to occur
A)in a boys' club trying to raise money by holding a Saturday car wash
B)in a relay race where each team member's performance is timed
C)in a community garden where each family is expected to contribute whatever free time they have
D)in a work crew building a new highway

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