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Module Review
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Social and personal explanations of our social behavior are both valid, for we are both the and of our social worlds.

Persons and situations in three ways. First, individuals vary in how they interpret and to a given situation. Second, people many of the situations that influence them. Third, people often their social situations.

Blatant attempts at social coercion produce --a motive to protect or restore one's sense of freedom. When group members simultaneously experience this motive, the result may be social .

People are uncomfortable when they appear too different from others, but neither do they want to appear the as everyone else. Thus they will often act to preserve their sense of and individuality.

Research indicates that a minority is most influential when it is and persistent in its views, when its actions convey an image of , and when it elicits some defections from the majority. Even if it fails to persuade the majority to adopt its position, the minority may increase the majority's and willingness to consider other alternatives.

Another example of the power of individuals is , the process by which certain group members motivate and guide the group. Research indicates that effective supervisors score high on tests of both and leadership.

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