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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
A Systems Approach to Small Group Interaction, 8/e

Stewart L. Tubbs

ISBN: 0072862475
Copyright year: 2004

What's New

  • A new Chapter 10, "Observing Group Process," designed to help students get more out of group experiences and lean how to better understand group behavior, includes 11 new instruments for observing and analyzing groups.
  • Five new chapter-opening case studies and a new section on using case studies appear in Chapter 1. New studies include one describing how a group of strangers formed a team to overtake four hijackers and thwart their attempt to crash their jet into the White House on September 11, 2001.
  • New sections include "Emotional Intelligence," "Diversity: Groups in Context," and "Six Thinking Hats"-the latter based on Edward DeBono's decision-making theory of the same name.
  • New material on leadership (Chapter 5) includes a major summary of leadership research from 1987-2002 on what characteristics people say they want in their leaders, as well as findings from The Leadership Trust Foundation.
A Systems Approach to Small Group Interaction, 8/e

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