This Online Learning Center is designed to help you succeed in your public speaking course. Chapter-specific content such as Quizzes, Flashcards, Crossword Puzzles, Learning Objectives, Chapter Outlines, Chapter Overviews, Internet Exercises, and Interactive Activities can be accessed by choosing from the chapter drop-down menu on the left. Course-wide content such as Glossary, Supplementary Readings, Survey Tutor, Research Aids, and more can be accessed by choosing from the list on the left. To view all the contents of this website, visit its Site Map.
The PowerWeb features and Weekly Updates are "Premium" content. For access to premium content, you will need a registration code. The registration code is included on the card that came with your new textbook. If you have already registered, just enter your username and password when you are prompted to do so. If this is your first visit to this site, you can use your registration code
(it'll be on a card that came with your textbook) to register, or purchase access.
To learn more about the book this website supports, please visit its Information Center.
This Online Learning Center is designed to help students succeed in their public speaking course. Chapter-specific content such as Quizzes, Flashcards, Crossword Puzzles, Learning Objectives, Chapter Outlines, Chapter Overviews, Internet Exercises, and Interactive Activities can be accessed by choosing from the chapter drop-down menu on the left. Course-wide content such as Glossary, Supplementary Readings, Survey Tutor, Research Aids, and more can be accessed by choosing from the list on the left. To view all the contents of this website, visit its Site Map.
The PowerWeb features and Weekly Updates are "Premium" content. For access to premium content, students will need a registration code. The registration code is included on the card that comes with new textbooks.
To learn more about the book this website supports, please visit its Information Center.
To learn more about the book this website supports, please visit its Information Center.