|  Doing Philosophy: An Introduction Through Thought Experiments, 2/e Theodore Schick,
Muhlenberg College Lewis Vaughn
The Problem of Relativism and Morality Much Obliged: Duty Makes Right
Thought ProbesMedical Treatment: Do we have a moral obligation to pay the medical expenses of those who cannot afford to pay them?
| Rights
Explication of the concept of rights by the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics (Santa Clara University) |  |  |  | Rights vs. Rights
Article by Tibor Machan (Auburn University) on the difference between positive and negative rights |  |  |  | Wrong Rights
Article by Sheldon Richman from the Future of Freedom Foundation on negative and positive rights |  |  |  | Is Health Care a Right?
Overview of the various positions by Evelyn Wilkerson (Norhtern Arizona University) |  |  |  | Canada's Fatal Error: Health Care as a Right
Article by Michael E. Aubrey criticizing Canada's health care system |
Desert Island Bequest: Are we morally obligated to honor a promise to a dying man if we can do more good by not honoring it?
| Desert Island Promise
Presentation and analysis of a desert island promise case by Peter Lavskis (University of South Australia) |  |  |  | Two Objections to Utilitarianism
Notes by Craig Duncan (Ithaca College) on the utilitarianism and promise making |  |  |  | Utilitarianism
Notes by Matt Roberts (Colorado University) on some of the problems facing utilitarianism |  |  |  | Against Utilitarianism; or, Why Not Violate Rights If It'd Do Good?
Article by Tibor Machan offering various objections to utilitarianism |  |  |  | A Principle of Justified Promise-Breaking and Its Application to Contract Law
Article by Gil Lahav identifying the conditions under which one may justifiably break a promise |
Just Policies: According to Rawls, would the following policies be just: entitlement programs such as welfare, medicare, and Medicaid; an inheritance tax of over 75% the right to an easy rescue; homosexual marriage; legalized euthanasia?
| John Rawls Resource Page
Set of links maintained by the Policy Library |  |  |  | Original Position
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article |  |  |  | Original Position
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article |  |  |  | Distributive Justice
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article |  |  |  | Welfare Rights and Duties of Charity
Overview of various positions by Carl Wellman (Washington University, St. Louis) |  |  |  | Rawls and Machievelli: The Dream Team?
Article by Philip Van Parijs advocating the use of Rawls's principles in framing public policy |  |  |  | Assisted Suicide: The Philosophers' Brief
Brief submitted by leading philosophers to the Supreme Court in favor of physician assisted suicide |
Property Rights: Do we have a right to do anything we want with our property?
| Defenders of Property Rights
National Public Interest Legal Foundation dedicated to protecting property rights |  |  |  | Property Rights Research
Collection of articles relating to government laws regarding property rights |  |  |  | The Property Rights Issue
Article by Attorney Robert Meltz on the legal issues surrounding property rights |  |  |  | Property Rights, Regulatory Takings, and Environmental Protection
Article by Richard H. Adler summarizing the arguments for and against government seizure of private property |  |  |  | American Land Rights Organization
Home page of a grass roots organization dedicated to preserving land rights |
Lying with Care: Do we have a duty to lie to protect those who have cared for us?
| Lying
Article by Tim C. Mazur for the Markkula Center for Aplied Ethics identifying different ethical perspectives on lyng |  |  |  | Feminist Ethics
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article |  |  |  | Inter-organisational Relations and the Ethics of Care
Article by Peter McDermott and Will Swan on the usefulness of the ethics of care in a business environment |  |  |  | Ethics of Care
Notes by Sue Chetwynd (University of Leicester) |  |  |  | Ecofeminism
Overview of different feminist ethical theories by Richard Smith (University of Durham) |  |  |  | Feminist Approaches to Bioethics
Article by Rosemarie Tong (University of North Carolina at Charlotte) |
The Zygmanic Brothers: Did Lester Zygmanic do the right thing in killing his brother George?
| Euthanasia.org
Largest collection of euthanasia related sites on the web |  |  |  | Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide
Detailed overview of the issue and current legal situation from ReligiousTolerance.org |  |  |  | Euthanasia
Discussion from Faithnet; overview of different sorts of euthanasia and brief arguments for and against allowing voluntary euthanasia |  |  |  | Euthanasia and End-of-Life Decisions
Collection of web resources from Lawrence Hinman's Ethics Updates (University of San Diego) |  |  |  | International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
FAQs, information about advanced directives, the situation in the Netherlands, etc. from a perspective that opposes legalization |  |  |  | Assisted Suicide: The Philosophers' Brief
Brief submitted by leading philosophers to the Supreme Court in favor of physician assisted suicide |