agnostic | One who neither believes nor disbelieves in God.
atheist | One who disbelieves in God.
cosmological argument | An argument that attempts to derive the existence of God from the existence of the universe.
deist | One who believes that God created the universe and then abandoned it.
miracle | A violation of natural law by a supernatural being.
moral evil | The evil that humans suffer at the hands of other humans.
natural evil | The evil that humans suffer at the hands of nature.
ontological argument | An argument from the nature of God to the existence of God.
pantheist | One who believes that the universe is god.
teleological argument | An argument that attempts to derive the existence of God from the design or purpose of things.
theist | One who believes in a god, especially a personal god who rules the world.
theodicy | An attempt to justify belief in God given the existence of evil.