Battleground God
Game to test the coherence of your beliefs about religion from The Philosopher's Magazine Online |
Oxford Companion to Philosophy article |
Wikipedia article |
The Worldview of Theism
Overview of theism by R. Totten |
The Justification of Theism
Article by Richard Swinburne (Oxford University) |
Theism, Atheism, and Rationality
Article by Alvin Plantinga (University of Notre Dame) |
Collection of articles critiquing theism from the Internet Infidels |
Arguments for Theism
Critique of several arguments for theism from the Freethought Zone |
Atheism, Reason, and Faith
A critique of theism by Jeff Strayer |
The Rationality of Theism
A critique of Strayer and a defense theism by Steven D. Crain |
Skeptical Theism
Collection of articles critiquing traditional theism |
Logic and Theism
Arguments for and against belief in God by Jordan Howard Sobel (University of Toronto at Scarborough) |
Wikipedia article |
Catholic Encyclopedia article |
Atheism and Agnosticism
Discussion from Faithnet |
The Atheism Web
Collection to web resources pertaining to atheism |
Positive Atheism
Site discussing the history, ethics, and philosophy of atheism |
American Atheists
Site devoted to maintaining the separation of church and state and the constitutional rights of atheists |
Collection of articles maintained by |
The Atheist Alliance
Home Page of national atheist organization; library section includes links to numerous online articles and essays |
Evolution vs. Creationism
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article discussing the history of the theory |
AAAS Evolution Resources
Collection of links to material about current issues, the nature of the theory, responses to objections etc. from the American Association for the Advancement of Science |
Science and Creationism 2nd ed.
Online book from the National Academy of Sciences against creationism; also available in html format here |
Evolution by Natural Selection
Online article by Derrick Farnell ( |
Biology links: Evolution
Assortment of links from the Harvard University Department of Biology |
National Center for Science Education
Collection of pamphlets on evolution and against the teaching of creationism from the National Center for Science Education |
Frequently Encountered Criticisms in Evolution vs. Creationism: 2002 Edition
Collection of responses to criticisms made by creationists |
The Talk.Origins Archive
Usenet newsgroup devoted to exploring the evolution/creationism controversy |
Evolution versus Creationism
Links to articles addressing both sides of the debate maintained by Brig Klyce |
Evolution/Creationism FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions concerning the evolution/creationism controversy at |
Intelligent Design: A Special Report from Natural History Magazine
Leading evolution and creationism proponents respond to each others views |
Intelligent Design Network
Site promoting the teaching of intelligent design |
Creation Science Resource
Searchable archive of links to numerous online essays relevant to creationism, legal cases, etc. |
Multi-language advocacy web site for creationism |
Creation and Revelation
Collection of links by Christian thinker Ross A. Taylor |
Answers in Genesis
Web site with links to articles in defense of creationism |
Institute for Creation Research: A Christ-Focused Creation Ministry
Collection of news articles and responses to criticisms of creationism |
Big Bang
Big Bang Cosmology
Overview from NASA |
Big Bang Science: exploring the origins of matter
Discussion from the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council |
Big Bang Cosmology Primer
Discussion of the theory by Paul Shestople (Berkeley Cosmology Group) |
Stephen Hawking, the Big Bang, and God
Transcript of lecture by Henry "Fritz" Schaefer III given at University of Colorado, 1994 |
Cosmology and Culture
Essay tracing the history of cosmological accounts and presenting his own view of science as a spiritual practice by Joel R. Primack (UC Santa Cruz) |
Big Bang Philosophy
Site devoted to exploring the philosophical implications of the big bang |
The Kalam Cosmological Argument
Analysis of the Kalam cosmological argument from Faithnet |
The Big-Bang
Discussion of its compatibility with Christianity from Faithnet |
The Existence of God and the Beginning of the Universe
Article by William Lane Craig (Universite Catholique de Louvain) in defense of the kalam cosmological argument for the existence of God |