Introduction to Limnology |  |
Chapter Summary Limnology Defined
Early Landmarks in Limnology
Key Early Inventions and Techniques
Aquatic Organisms
Plankton Nets
Vertical Temperature Profile
Oxygen Concentration
Contour Maps
Limnological Textbooks
Names of Bodies of Inland Water
Environmentalism and/or Traditional Science in Limnology
Characteristic Activities: The Environmentalist
Distinguishing Characteristics
Characteristic Activities: The Scientist
Distinguishing Characteristics: The Scientist
The Role of Modeling and Statistical Thinking in Limnology
Descriptive Models
Predictive Models
Hypothesis Testing
Mesocosms and Whole-Lake Experiments
The Role of Field Stations
The Role of Journals and Associations
The Organizational Scheme of the Presentation of Limnology in This Text
Measuring Units Used in Limnology
Study Guide