Introduction to Limnology |  |
Web LinksExploring the Internet Web Linksaerial photosTerraFly http://terrafly.fiu.edu
This site will change the way you see the world. You are able to enter in an address and see the point from an aerial view. Information on sites are available and you can take a virtual flight by moving the curser over the area. Look up your favorite aquatic habitat.The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/sseop/
You are able to search the complete collection of astronaut photos of the Earth from 1961 to present.U.S.G.S. (U.S. Geological Survey) Earth Resources Observation Systems (E.R.O.S.) Data Center http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/
A great resource for researching Earth's always changing land.applied limnologyU.S.G.S. Great Lakes Science Center http://www.glsc.usgs.gov/
Learn information about the biological resources in the Great Lakes Basin.U.S.G.S. Water Science for Schools http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/
This site allows you to dive into information on many aspects of water, complete with pictures, data, maps, and an interactive center that lets you give your own opinions and test your water knowledge.United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization--Water http://www.unesco.org/water/
You are able to find up-to-date, interesting articles and information concerning the world's water news, resources, links, photos and more! LAKENET http://www.worldlakes.org/
Visit this site to learn about what is being done globally and locally to manage and conserve lakes. International Lake Environment Committee Foundation for Sustainable Management of World Lakes and Reservoirs http://www.ilec.or.jp/index.html
This site is dedicated to lake issues and the future of lakes and reservoirs.biographical sketchesCladoceran Researchers http://www.cladocera.uoguelph.ca/researchers/
Use the "Reflections of Cladocerans" section to read stories of limnologists (who study water fleas), maintained by Professor Paul Hebert at the University of Guelph Canada.equipment, books, mapsVendors of Limnological Equipment http://www.lander.edu/rsfox/615vend.html
Provides names of limnological organizations and companies that you can use with a search engine (such as www.google.com) to find images of limnological equipment, books, and maps. field stationsOrganization of Biological Field Stations http://www.obfs.org/
Links to all biological field stations, plus news, job listings, OBFS college course listings, announcements, and more!International Organization of Biological Field Stations http://www.iobfs.org
Learn about the history of OBFS.Forel InstituteInstitut F. –A. Forel (of the University of Geneva) http://www.unige.ch/forel/
Explore what this university located on the shores of Lake Geneva, Switzerland has to offer in regards to limnology and aquatic systems. Great LakesNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration http://www.glerl.noaa.gov/rsch/ahps/curfcst/curfcst.html
This site provides links to plots for monthly values of inflow, outflow, total supply, mean lake level and other hydrology and meteorology variables for each of the Great Lakes and Lake St. Clair.historical instrumentsNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Photo Library http://www.photolib.noaa.gov/ships/
Check out NOAA's marine scientists and surveyors of today as they study and survey the oceans of the world.oceanographyThe Plankton Net http://www.geocities.com/planktonguy/
Provides good links to pictures of equipment used to sample water and pictures of aquatic organisms; also has links to marine scientists and pictures of zooplankton, and links to freshwater organisms.Water Research NetworkWater Research Network http://water.nml.uib.no/
Visit this site for an incredible international limnological clearinghouse—the Water Research Network—a "multidisciplinary database of research, researchers and institutions dealing with freshwater issues all over the world. The network includes natural and social sciences as well as the humanities." |