1 |  |  Which graphical model is most likely a representation of the flows of water among reservoirs such as lakes, streams, the atmosphere, and the oceans? |
 |  | A) | Alternate Stable States |
 |  | B) | Aquatic community |
 |  | C) | Biomagnification pattern |
 |  | D) | Hydrological cycle |
 |  | E) | Pure form of Lindeman's Hypothesis |
2 |  |  The theoretical minimum value of this parameter is equal to the circumference of a circle, whose area is equivalent to the lake surface area. |
 |  | A) | Shoreline length |
 |  | B) | Average depth |
 |  | C) | Lake volume |
 |  | D) | Surface area |
 |  | E) | Landscape position |
3 |  |  Lake volume divided by the surface area gives this parameter. |
 |  | A) | Water density |
 |  | B) | Average depth |
 |  | C) | Lake volume |
 |  | D) | Surface area |
 |  | E) | Landscape position |
4 |  |  Which parameter is scale dependent in real lakes? |
 |  | A) | Shoreline length |
 |  | B) | Average depth |
 |  | C) | Lake volume |
 |  | D) | Surface area |
 |  | E) | Landscape position |
5 |  |  This number is defined according to elevation in a watershed, and the ways in which water enters and leaves the lake. |
 |  | A) | Water density |
 |  | B) | Average depth |
 |  | C) | Annual mixing pattern |
 |  | D) | Surface area |
 |  | E) | Landscape position |
6 |  |  The product of the surface area and the average depth is the: |
 |  | A) | shoreline length. |
 |  | B) | average depth. |
 |  | C) | lake volume. |
 |  | D) | surface area. |
 |  | E) | landscape position. |
7 |  |  A dimensionless number that gives information about water chemistry, species diversity, and productivity level, is the: |
 |  | A) | shoreline length. |
 |  | B) | average depth. |
 |  | C) | lake volume. |
 |  | D) | surface area. |
 |  | E) | landscape position. |
8 |  |  Which of the following ponds or lakes is most likely produced by a glacier? |
 |  | A) | Caldera |
 |  | B) | Graben |
 |  | C) | Kettle |
 |  | D) | Oxbow |
 |  | E) | Playa |
9 |  |  Lake Nyos, the killer lake of Cameroon, is in which kind of basin? |
 |  | A) | Caldera |
 |  | B) | Graben |
 |  | C) | Glacial scrate |
 |  | D) | Kettle |
 |  | E) | Sinkhole |
10 |  |  Reservoirs are characterized by which of the following morphologies? Reservoirs: |
 |  | A) | are deepest near the center of the open water, far from any shoreline. |
 |  | B) | are typically more round than lakes of glacial origin. |
 |  | C) | become deeper with age. |
 |  | D) | have a dendritic outline. |
 |  | E) | have the same shape as natural lakes. |
11 |  |  This is one of the first lakes to be cored by paleolimnologists and has a small watershed. |
 |  | A) | Baikal, Russia |
 |  | B) | Mendota, USA |
 |  | C) | Powell, USA |
 |  | D) | Texcoco, Mexico |
 |  | E) | Lago di Monte Rosi, Italy |
12 |  |  A scientist who measures radioactive decay in lake sediment and identifies micofossils is probably also most familiar with the: |
 |  | A) | advantages and applications of the bioenergetics model. |
 |  | B) | methods for reducing TP and TN in sewage effluent. |
 |  | C) | scope for growth models. |
 |  | D) | succession of terrestrial vegetation over the last 10 thousand years. |
 |  | E) | techniques for reducing TP in lake water. |