Water in Landscapes |  |
Web LinksExploring the Internet Web LinksAerial photosTerraFly http://terrafly.fiu.edu
This website is based on aerial photos collected by the U.S. Geological Service. It provides great high-resolution photos and allows you to virtually fly over your landscape of choice. A good site to use with topozone.Crater LakesMIAC Impact Craters on Earth http://miac.uqac.ca/MIAC/impact.htm
View pictures of craters and learn about Canadian impact structures.EstuariesSan Francisco Estuary Institute http://www.sfei.org/
Check out this non-profit organization's site that strives to "conduct science studies, synthesize data and information, and collaborate with other scientists to provide a holistic integration of information from many disciplines that supports management activities or demonstrates the potential implications of different management scenarios to environmental management agencies and other stakeholders."National Aquarium in Baltimore http://www.aqua.org/education/teachers/chesapeake.html
A great teaching oriented site. Geographic DistanceLatitude/ Longitude Distance Calculation http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~cvm/latlongdist.php
Use this site to calculate the distance between lakes or other geographic features, using geographic coordinates from the USGS site topozone.GIS TechnologyGIS.com http://www.gis.com/
A site that has an introduction to GIS technology.GPS TechnologyTrimble http://www.trimble.com/gps/
This Trimble Company site provides great background on GPS technology.Lake ConemaughJohnstown Flood National Memorial http://www.nps.gov/jofl/home.htm
Learn about the flood of 1889 that devastated Pennsylvania. The Johnstown Flood Museum http://www.jaha.org/flood/history.htm
More information on the Johnstown flood.Wonders of the World Database http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/buildingbig/wonder/structure/south_fork.html
Another site dedicated to the Johnstown flood.Morphometry (Florida Lakes)University of Florida Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Florida LAKEWATCH http://lakewatch.ifas.ufl.edu/
This site provides a wealth of information about Florida lakes and limnology in general. Check out the Florida Lakewatch brochure on lake morphometry.Satellite NASA photosThe Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov
A grab bag of photographs of Earth from space. Plate 12 is from this site. Topographic Maps (Topozone)Topozone http://www.topozone.com/
This is the topographic map site of the U.S. Geological Survey, useful for finding the geographic coordinates and elevation of lakes. UW Center for LimnologyUniversity of Wisconsin Center for Limnology http://limnology.wisc.edu/
This site provides a wealth of lake data and maps. |