1 |  |  Asplanchna and Brachionus are most likely to be found in which habitat? |
 |  | A) | Aufwuchs |
 |  | B) | Benthic |
 |  | C) | Riparian |
 |  | D) | Pelagic (zooplankton) |
 |  | E) | Profundal |
2 |  |  These rotifers and microcrustaceans live in gravel 3 m below the open water, inside a river's gravel bed. |
 |  | A) | Riparian |
 |  | B) | Lentic-Benthic |
 |  | C) | Hyporheic interstitial meiofauna |
 |  | D) | Pelagic (zooplankton) |
 |  | E) | Profundal |
3 |  |  These chironomid larvae live in mud at 30 m depth in Lake Mendota. |
 |  | A) | Aufwuchs |
 |  | B) | Riparian |
 |  | C) | Neuston |
 |  | D) | Pelagic (zooplankton) |
 |  | E) | Benthic |
4 |  |  These Floscularia, and other sessile rotifers, glue themselves to substrates in shallow water. |
 |  | A) | Aufwuchs |
 |  | B) | Hyponeuston |
 |  | C) | Interstitial meiofauna |
 |  | D) | Pelagic (zooplankton) |
 |  | E) | Profundal |
5 |  |  These microcrustaceans have an antennae approximately as long as their body and no carapace. Among the zooplankton, these animals are most specialized for rapid escape movements. |
 |  | A) | Rotifers |
 |  | B) | Branchiopods (such as Daphnia) |
 |  | C) | Calanoid copepod |
 |  | D) | Chironomid larvae |
 |  | E) | Annelid worms |
6 |  |  These non-arthropods include herbivore and predator species such as Asplanchna. |
 |  | A) | Rotifers |
 |  | B) | Chaoborus larvae |
 |  | C) | Calanoid copepods |
 |  | D) | Cyclopoid copepods |
 |  | E) | Annelid worms |
7 |  |  These segmented and elongated animals lacking legs in the adult form can be as large as several cm long. |
 |  | A) | Bdelloid rotifers |
 |  | B) | Branchiopods (such as Daphnia) |
 |  | C) | Chaoborus larvae |
 |  | D) | Chironomid larvae |
 |  | E) | Annelid worms |
8 |  |  Among the zooplankton, these microcrustaceans are specialized to gather the most amount of food per unit time, and do best when food is abundant and non-toxic. They filter feed, catching algae using electrostatic filtration and large filter combs. |
 |  | A) | Rotifers |
 |  | B) | Branchiopods (such as Daphnia) |
 |  | C) | Calanoid copepods |
 |  | D) | Cyclopoid copepods |
 |  | E) | Harpacticoid copepods |
9 |  |  These arthropods lack a carapace. Rudi Strickler says they "walk" through water. |
 |  | A) | Rotifers |
 |  | B) | Branchiopods (such as Daphnia) |
 |  | C) | Calanoid copepod |
 |  | D) | Cyclopoid copepod |
 |  | E) | Beetle larvae |
10 |  |  Which statement is most true about cyclomorphosis? |
 |  | A) | Commonly seen in rotifers, branchiopods, copepods, and aquatic insects. |
 |  | B) | Found mainly in freshwater copepods (especially calanoids and cyclopoids). |
 |  | C) | Induced by a chemical signal in the water, and the chemical structure of the chemical signal is known precisely in most cases. |
 |  | D) | Typically induced in rotifers and water fleas by the "smell" of predators. |
 |  | E) | Solely an adaptation to reduce sinking rate. |
11 |  |  Among the freshwater crustaceans, animals in which group have the most appendages attached to the thorax, and are most often eaten by humans? |
 |  | A) | Annelida |
 |  | B) | Branchiopoda |
 |  | C) | Copepoda |
 |  | D) | Insecta |
 |  | E) | Malacostraca |
12 |  |  These organisms are flattened dorso-ventrally. |
 |  | A) | Amphipoda |
 |  | B) | Anomopoda |
 |  | C) | Decapoda |
 |  | D) | Isopoda |
 |  | E) | Mysidacea |