Diversity of Aquatic Organisms: Rotifers, Annelids, and Arthropods |  |
Web LinksExploring the Internet Web LinksBacteria, protists, and metazoansBioMedia Associates http://www.ebiomedia.com
This is an excellent source of high-quality photographs and facts (photo essays) about a wide range of aquatic organisms—there is great coverage of bacteria, protests, and metazoans. Use this site to watch a Daphnia heart beating! BIOSIS: A Guide to the Animal Kingdom for Students and Educators http://www.biosis.org/free_resources/classifn/classifn.html
This guide to the animal kingdom is a good source of information on all kinds of animal groups.CladoceraCladocera http://www.cladocera.uoguelph.ca/default.htm
The extraordinary cladoceran web site of Professor Paul Hebert, University of Guelph, Ontario.Cladoceran parasitesThe Daphnia—Parasite Picture Gallery: Endoparasites of Daphnia http://www.unifr.ch/biol/ecology/ebert/daphpara/daphpato/parasites.html
This esoteric web site has beautiful photos of parasites found in Daphnia.CopepodsResearch Strickler Lab Copepods http://www.uwm.edu/~jrs/feeding_currents.htm
Observe free-swimming copepods feeding on suspended algae.Biology of Copepods: An Introduction http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/zoomorphology/Biologyintro.html
Learn about copepods in this interesting site, which includes pictures.Wilson Copepod Library Department of Systematic Biology Smithsonian Institution: The World of Copepods http://www.nmnh.si.edu/iz/copepod/wilson.htm
Read about Copepodology at the Smithsonian Institution and more!World Association of Copepodologists http://www.copepoda.uconn.edu
This website will help you find out more about this fascinating group of crustaceans.U.S.G.S. Free-living and Parasitic Copepods (Including Branchiurians) of the Laurentian Great Lakes: Keys and Details on Individual Species http://www.glsc.usgs.gov/greatlakescopepods/
A great site to assess and monitor the biodiversity of the Great Lakes by identifying units of organization that are morphologically and genetically distinct.CrayfishThe Crayfish Homepage http://zoology.byu.edu/crandall_lab/crayfish/crayhome.htm
There is a lot of information on this site including photographs, old papers, crayfish identification, latest news and much more!Fairy ShrimpsVernal Pool Fairy Shrimp http://www.essexenv.com/endangered_species/vshrimp.pdf
Learn about this threatened species and what you can do to protect it.Trout Unlimited http://www.tu.org/
This site is dedicated to conserving, protecting and restoring North American coldwater fisheries.InsectsU.S.G.S. Biodiversity of Aquatic Invertebrates http://www.glsc.usgs.gov/science/research/insects.htm
Includes information on aquatic insects, as well as other aquatic organisms.Index http://www.unb.ca/departs/science/biology/Invertebrate_key/
This University of New Brunswick site has nice identification keys and line drawings of aquatic insects.Macro-InvertebratesAquatic Invertebrates Illustrated Field Guide http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwbiol/bio305/Database/Categories.htmOligochaetesIllinois Natural History Survey Annelida Collection http://www.inhs.uiuc.edu/cbd/collections/annelid.html
Provides a wealth of information about these worms—nice color pictures, and as much as you would ever want to know about the taxonomy.ZooplanktonSouthwest Missouri State University—How to Identify Zooplankton http://www.cnas.smsu.edu/zooplankton/identify.htm
A great source of information.Freshwater Zooplankton http://www.uv.es/~ciros/zoopl_en.html
This website provides great pictures and links to Cladocera, Copepoda and Rotifera sites.The WaterFlea http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/%7Eucfagls/thewaterflea/index.htm
Provides interesting information on the cladocera, including photos, applications, lab protocols and more! |