1 |  |  An aquatic community is most often defined in limnology as a(n): |
 |  | A) | suitable habitat. |
 |  | B) | habitat that supports one or more populations. |
 |  | C) | set of top carnivores. |
 |  | D) | random assortment of individuals. |
 |  | E) | group of interacting species. |
2 |  |  The hypohreic community of interstitial organisms is found: |
 |  | A) | in open water. |
 |  | B) | in stream beds. |
 |  | C) | in lakes, near shore, among aquatic vegetation. |
 |  | D) | in lakes, near shore, on the surfaces of aquatic vegetation. |
 |  | E) | at the bottom of lakes, below the photic zone, on the surface of mud. |
3 |  |  The riparian community is characterized by: |
 |  | A) | aquatic macrophytes. |
 |  | B) | fish and other large vertebrates. |
 |  | C) | pelagic algae in lakes. |
 |  | D) | rotifers, protists, and microcrustaceans. |
 |  | E) | woody vegetation along streams. |
4 |  |  The alewife eats Daphnia as the fish cruises through which habitat? |
 |  | A) | Aufwuchs |
 |  | B) | Benthic |
 |  | C) | Continental |
 |  | D) | Littoral |
 |  | E) | Pelagic |
5 |  |  Sampling shows that an alpine lake in the mountains of Slovenia contains 7 species of branchiopods, 4 species of copepods, and 12 rotifer species. All these species are pelagic. The species richness for the pelagic community is: |
 |  | A) | 3. |
 |  | B) | 23. |
 |  | C) | log (23). |
 |  | D) | cannot be calculated using these data. |
 |  | E) | 0.001. |
6 |  |  Copepods from the Acanthocyclops robustus species complex were found in two small ponds in central Wisconsin. The ponds are about 100 m apart, and the copepods from the two ponds are morphologically indistinguishable by experts. When individual copepods from the same pond are mated together, they produce many fertile, viable offspring. When males from the first pond are mated with females with the second pond, offspring are not viable. The same results occur in the reciprocal matings (females from the first pond with males from the second pond). This information suggests the two populations are best described as: |
 |  | A) | asexual (clonal) species. |
 |  | B) | biological species. |
 |  | C) | functional species. |
 |  | D) | morphological species. |
 |  | E) | netural species. |
7 |  |  Results of the spatial and temporal distribution of the rotifer Polyarthra from a Swedish lake were used by Hutchinson as an example of: |
 |  | A) | competitive exclusion. |
 |  | B) | habitat partitioning. |
 |  | C) | interference competition. |
 |  | D) | keystone predation. |
 |  | E) | neutral assembly theory. |
8 |  |  Results of the study of zooplankton communities in Connecticut lakes, by Brooks and Dodson, were used to support a hypothesis about: |
 |  | A) | community structure and the lake depth gradient. |
 |  | B) | competitive avoidance. |
 |  | C) | cyclomorphosis. |
 |  | D) | diel vertical migration. |
 |  | E) | size-selective predation and community structure. |
9 |  |  The main ecological benefit of cyclomorphosis to Daphnia and rotifers is: |
 |  | A) | avoiding chemical induction. |
 |  | B) | improving competitive advantage. |
 |  | C) | efficient defense against predation. |
 |  | D) | mate recognition. |
 |  | E) | rapid speciation. |
10 |  |  If one looks at data for freshwater lakes of the world, over the broadest possible range of annual primary productivity (APP), how is species richness related to APP? As APP increases, species richness: |
 |  | A) | decreases. |
 |  | B) | decreases, then increases. |
 |  | C) | increases. |
 |  | D) | increases, then decreases. |
 |  | E) | shows no significant correlation. |