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Self-Assessment 12.1: Are you Androgenous?
Self-Assessment 12.1 (76.0K)

Self-Assessment 12.2: My Attitudes Towards Women
Self Assessment 12.2 (79.0K)

Self-Assessment 12.3: How Much Do I Know about STDs?

To do this self-assessment, go to:

Click on "health and fitness" in the top left corner. When the next page comes up, go almost to the bottom and click on "health quizzes." Go down to the "staying healthy" category and click on "What Do You Know about STDs?" After you have answered a series of questions about STDs, you will be given feedback about how knowledgeable you are.

Self-Assessment 12.4: My Romantic and Sexual Involvement in Adolescence
Coming Soon!

Self-Assessment 12.5: My Knowledge of Sexual Myths and Realities
Self-Assessment 12.5 (73.0K)

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