Explore many different aspects of memory including working memory, remembering how and why, forgetting, memory games, and other topics. (
The web page of Charles Nelson's laboratory at the U. of Minnesota. Gives information about infants' ability to recognize objects, babies' recognition of faces and toys, adult and infant memory, and other aspects of memory development. A parent newsletter and links to other related sites are available. (
The personal web site of Fredda Blanchard-Fields, a leading expert on social cognition and aging; read about her research interests and publications. (
The personal web site of Timothy Salthouse, a leading expert on cognition and aging; describes his research interests and provides a list of selected publications. (
Extensive links to information about critical thinking, including a brief history of the concept, recommended readings, basic questions and answers, and many critical thinking resources. (
Explores critical issues in science and information about science videos. Links to supporting materials, a wide range of science projects, the National Science Foundation, Ask ERIC's lesson plans for science, and many other sites. (
Information about how to connect with science learning networks across the United States. Links to science museums and many other science resources. (
Explore the concept of metacognition and connect with other sites on the role of metacognition in language learning and learning strategies. (
Extensive links to many websites with information about a wide range of metacognition topics. (
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