Read each question carefully and then select the best answer.
1 |  |  Language is most accurately defined as a system of _______ that allow for communication with others. |
|  | A) | images |
|  | B) | vocalizations |
|  | C) | symbols |
|  | D) | words |
2 |  |  Someone with a vocabulary of only 200 words can still combine the words in different ways to say thousands of different things. This aspect of language is referred to as: |
|  | A) | syntax. |
|  | B) | phonology. |
|  | C) | morphology. |
|  | D) | infinite generativity. |
3 |  |  If a primate is able to use symbols in new ways to communicate with other primates or people, we can say the primate has: |
|  | A) | language. |
|  | B) | finite generativity. |
|  | C) | phonological ability. |
|  | D) | morphological ability. |
4 |  |  _______ refers to word formation. |
|  | A) | Phonology |
|  | B) | Morphology |
|  | C) | Syntax |
|  | D) | Semantics |
5 |  |  The sound system of a language is referred to as: |
|  | A) | phonology. |
|  | B) | pragmatics. |
|  | C) | semantics. |
|  | D) | syntax. |
6 |  |  Mary has difficulty sounding out words like "though" and "calendar." Her difficulties lie in which of the following aspects of language? |
|  | A) | phonology |
|  | B) | pragmatics |
|  | C) | semantics |
|  | D) | syntax |
7 |  |  Which aspect of language deals with the meaning of words and sentences? |
|  | A) | phonology |
|  | B) | pragmatics |
|  | C) | semantics |
|  | D) | syntax |
8 |  |  Pointing to a tree, young Ramal says, "bird flied away." Ramal's interesting, but inaccurate, use of the "ed" word ending shows that he is trying to learn _______ rules of language. |
|  | A) | syntactical |
|  | B) | semantic |
|  | C) | pragmatic |
|  | D) | morphological |
9 |  |  Yoshi is learning that there are many different ways to say "thank you" in Japanese, depending on the gender, social status, and relationship to Yoshi of the person he is thanking. This use of appropriate conversation demonstrates an issue of: |
|  | A) | syntax. |
|  | B) | semantics. |
|  | C) | morphology. |
|  | D) | pragmatics. |
10 |  |  Akilah can understand the word "misbehave" when her father uses it in a sentence because Akilah understands: |
|  | A) | pragmatics. |
|  | B) | morphology. |
|  | C) | prepositions. |
|  | D) | syntax. |
11 |  |  What is the difference in language development between a 3-year-old and a 6-year-old? |
|  | A) | Three-year-olds are learning more words per week. |
|  | B) | Three-year-olds have superior understanding of pragmatics. |
|  | C) | Six-year-olds are learning more words per hour. |
|  | D) | Six-year-olds have not yet learned syntax. |
12 |  |  What is morphology? |
|  | A) | the meaningfulness of words |
|  | B) | the meaningfulness of phrases |
|  | C) | the understanding of syntax |
|  | D) | the rules of conversation |
13 |  |  Jenni, who is 3 years old, asks, "What Bobby is doing?" She then modifies her question and asks again, "What is Bobby doing?" Jenni is correcting the _______ of her question? |
|  | A) | syntax |
|  | B) | semantics |
|  | C) | pragmatics |
|  | D) | morphology |
14 |  |  When Jennifer said, "The deer was running," Mother asked, "Where was the deer running?" Mother's strategy is: |
|  | A) | echoing. |
|  | B) | expanding. |
|  | C) | recasting. |
|  | D) | labeling. |
15 |  |  Edward said to his mother, "The mouse the cat the farmer chased killed at the cheese." After puzzling over this for a bit, Edward's mother said, "Do you mean 'The farmer chased the cat that killed the mouse that ate the cheese?'" "Yes," he replied. Edward was having a problem with: |
|  | A) | semantics. |
|  | B) | pragmatics. |
|  | C) | syntax. |
|  | D) | morphology. |
16 |  |  A language disorder resulting from brain damage that involves a loss of the ability to use words is: |
|  | A) | LAD. |
|  | B) | Broca's disorder. |
|  | C) | aphasia. |
|  | D) | Wernicke's disorder. |
17 |  |  The concept of the language acquisition device is an example of how: |
|  | A) | phonology derives from morphology. |
|  | B) | human language is not based on biology. |
|  | C) | biological evolution is inadequate to explain human language. |
|  | D) | biological evolution influenced human language acquisition. |
18 |  |  Chomsky's theory of language development emphasized: |
|  | A) | learning and conditioning principles. |
|  | B) | innate structures and biological mechanisms. |
|  | C) | children's cognitive abilities. |
|  | D) | the language support system provided by parents. |
19 |  |  Critical periods for learning language are determined by: |
|  | A) | biology. |
|  | B) | the environment. |
|  | C) | the deep structures of language. |
|  | D) | the pragmatic rules in learning language. |
20 |  |  The following statements have been offered as evidence for a critical period of language development theory. Which of these theories has been contradicted by other research? |
|  | A) | Children who have not been exposed to language until late in childhood do not learn to speak normally. |
|  | B) | Young children learn language quickly. |
|  | C) | Children can learn languages from poor examples of language used around them. |
|  | D) | Studies of brain development suggest a critical period for language acquisition. |
21 |  |  In a study conducted by Betty Hart and Todd Risley (1995), what is the main difference between the way middle-class parents and welfare parents interact with their children? |
|  | A) | Welfare parents spent more time teaching their children correct syntax. |
|  | B) | Middle-class parents played with their children more in nonverbal ways. |
|  | C) | Welfare parents read to their children more. |
|  | D) | Middle-class parents spoke to their children more. |
22 |  |  The child's first word is typically uttered at around months. |
|  | A) | 3 to 6 |
|  | B) | 6 to 9 |
|  | C) | 9 to 10 |
|  | D) | 10 to 15 |
23 |  |  Compared to 100 years ago, children's first words today are: |
|  | A) | the same . |
|  | B) | more likely related to objects than to people. |
|  | C) | more likely related to people than to objects. |
|  | D) | more complex. |
24 |  |  A child's expansive vocabulary is directly correlated with: |
|  | A) | parents verbally interacting with them. |
|  | B) | parents' IQ. |
|  | C) | parents' age. |
|  | D) | parents' own vocabulary. |
25 |  |  Aunt Alie is speaking in normal tones until she is handed her new baby niece. Aunt Alie's voice immediately changes into a higher pitch, and she begins using baby-talk phrases like "goo goo" and "ba ba." This change in Aunt Alie's language behavior provides an example of: |
|  | A) | echoing. |
|  | B) | recasting. |
|  | C) | infant-directed speech |
|  | D) | morphology. |
26 |  |  Young infants attend closely to infant-directed speech because they: |
|  | A) | are likely to understand the words that are used. |
|  | B) | are attracted to the exaggerated intonation pattern. |
|  | C) | remember hearing their mother's voice prenatally. |
|  | D) | can only hear higher-pitched sounds. |
27 |  |  Little Lisa points to a ball and says "Color dat ball." Her father responds with "What color is the ball?" This is an example of: |
|  | A) | echoing. |
|  | B) | recasting. |
|  | C) | motherese. |
|  | D) | morphology. |
28 |  |  In the debate over whether the whole-language approach or the basic-skills-and-phonetics approach is the better one for teaching children to read: |
|  | A) | researchers have found the whole-language approach to be better. |
|  | B) | researchers have found the basic-skills-and-phonetics approach to be better. |
|  | C) | linguistic researchers believe the whole-language approach is better, whereas educators believe the basic-skills-and-phonetics approach is better. |
|  | D) | researchers have not been able to document that either approach is better. |
29 |  |  Andrew sees a cat on the lawn, then says to his mother, "Kitty." The notion that Andrew is using that one word to imply a whole sentence, such as "That's a kitty," would be suggestive of the ________ hypothesis. |
|  | A) | generalization |
|  | B) | generativity |
|  | C) | cognitive |
|  | D) | holophrase |
30 |  |  Roger Brown's (1973) concept of mean length of utterances (MLUs) is an index of: |
|  | A) | intelligence. |
|  | B) | cognitive development. |
|  | C) | language development. |
|  | D) | creativity. |
31 |  |  Information currently available about language development indicates that to encourage language development, adults should: |
|  | A) | drill children in proper language use. |
|  | B) | engage children in meaningful conversation. |
|  | C) | provide excellent examples of language use. |
|  | D) | reinforce children whenever they use language correctly. |
32 |  |  Which of the following is true about a child's receptive vocabulary during the first 2 years of life? |
|  | A) | It does not develop very much. |
|  | B) | It equals the child's spoken vocabulary. |
|  | C) | It exceeds the child's spoken vocabulary. |
|  | D) | It lags behind the child's holophrase vocabulary. |
33 |  |  Throughout most of adulthood, he vocabulary of individuals: |
|  | A) | remains stable. |
|  | B) | continues to increase. |
|  | C) | begins to decline. |
|  | D) | becomes distorted. |
34 |  |  Mary is in second grade and often reverses the letters b, p, and d when she practices her writing. Mary: |
|  | A) | has delayed writing skills. |
|  | B) | is perfectly normal for her age. |
|  | C) | appears to suffer from dyslexia. |
|  | D) | needs to practice her writing skills more intensively. |
35 |  |  At what point do individuals begin to understand metaphors and satire? |
|  | A) | middle childhood |
|  | B) | adolescence |
|  | C) | early adulthood |
|  | D) | middle adulthood |
36 |  |  Gulliver's Travels, by Jonathan Swift, poked fun at the politics of his day and is considered an outstanding example of: |
|  | A) | satire. |
|  | B) | metaphor. |
|  | C) | analogy. |
|  | D) | parsimony. |
37 |  |  Researchers have found that bilingualism: |
|  | A) | has a negative effect on children's cognitive development. |
|  | B) | has a positive effect on children's cognitive development. |
|  | C) | confuses children in regard to language development. |
|  | D) | results in children scoring lower than monolingual children on intelligence tests. |
38 |  |  The optimal time for learning a second language is: |
|  | A) | early to middle childhood. |
|  | B) | late childhood. |
|  | C) | adolescence. |
|  | D) | adulthood. |