Provides pragmatic language tips, examines adaptive language use, and evaluates conversation skills in young children. (
The website of Ursula Bellugi, a leading researcher in the biological foundations of language and cognition. Describes her research interests and lists her recent publications. Connect to her research lab information at this site. (
An in-depth discussion about Genie, who grew up as a wild child, and her language development. (
Research from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development addresses why children succeed or fail at reading. (
The Children's Literature Web Guide. Links to such topics as authors on the web, stories on the web, recommended books, the latest award winning books for children, resources for teachers, resources for parents, and resources for storytellers. (
The website of the National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education. An outstanding website with extensive information and links to other bilingual education sites. (
The website of the Center for Multilingual Multicultural Research at the University of Southern California. Includes a description of a number of research programs on such topics as bilingualism and literacy, language policy and planning, global learning networks, language proficiency testing, and integrating language and content instruction in the classroom. (
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