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Key Terms
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Applet  In Java, a small program that is embedded in a Web page and when downloaded is started by the browser.
Bookmark manager  A software program that lets you organize and collect Uniform Resource Locators (URL's) in a hierarchical manner.
Home page  The main page in a website, at which you find hyperlinks to other pages.
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)  The basic language that people use to build hypertext electronic documents on the Web.
Java  A programming language designed by Sun Microsystems to write programs that can be downloaded from the Internet with a Java interpreter. Many World Wide Web pages on the Internet use small Java applications, or applets, to display animations.
JavaScript  A scripting language for Web publishing.
Plug-ins  Programs built to extend a browser's capabilities. Plug-ins let you see and hear video, audio, and other kinds of multimedia files.
Portal  A web site that acts as a starting point to the Internet, usually on a specific subject area.
Search engine  A program that lets you find information on the Internet.
Spider programs  Automated electronic software programs that follow the links on a page and put all the text into one huge database.
Streaming audio  Compressed audio that is sent in real time via the Internet.
Streaming video  Compressed movies that are sent in real time via the Internet.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator)  A site address on the World Wide Web.
Web site  A collection related web pages on the Internet that contains information about instructional material, services, products etc.

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