Applet | In Java, a small program that is embedded in a Web page and when downloaded is started by the browser.
Bookmark manager | A software program that lets you organize and collect Uniform Resource Locators (URL's) in a hierarchical manner.
Home page | The main page in a website, at which you find hyperlinks to other pages.
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) | The basic language that people use to build hypertext electronic documents on the Web.
Java | A programming language designed by Sun Microsystems to write programs that can be downloaded from the Internet with a Java interpreter. Many World Wide Web pages on the Internet use small Java applications, or applets, to display animations.
JavaScript | A scripting language for Web publishing.
Plug-ins | Programs built to extend a browser's capabilities. Plug-ins let you see and hear video, audio, and other kinds of multimedia files.
Portal | A web site that acts as a starting point to the Internet, usually on a specific subject area.
Search engine | A program that lets you find information on the Internet.
Spider programs | Automated electronic software programs that follow the links on a page and put all the text into one huge database.
Streaming audio | Compressed audio that is sent in real time via the Internet.
Streaming video | Compressed movies that are sent in real time via the Internet.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) | A site address on the World Wide Web.
Web site | A collection related web pages on the Internet that contains information about instructional material, services, products etc.