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Internet Connections
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  1. Examples of Heroism ( ) – What does heroism look like? At this Carnegie Hero Fund Commission site find thousands of biographies of "extraordinary" heroes and links to a few other similar sites.
  2. "HeroicStories" ( ) – The stated purpose of this site "is to use the power of the Internet and existing media to bring diverse, international voices to the world to explore the idea that people are good, that individuals and individual action matter, and that regularly showing examples of people being good to each other will inspire similar actions in others." A few examples are provided at the site. More can be obtained by subscribing to HeroicStories sent to you for free via e-mail.
  3. "To save a life: Stories of Holocaust rescue" ( ) – more examples of dramatic heroism
  4. "Can Animals Empathize?" ( Animals EmpathizeYES.doc ) - This fascinating question is explored in a debate in Scientific American (1998): "Yes" is argued by Gordon Gallup, Jr. (who originally developed the Mirror Test ( ) of self-awareness) and "Maybe not" ( Animals EmpathizeMAYBE NOT.doc ) by Daniel Povinelli.
  5. "Morals, Apes, and Us" ( ) - "Can animals learn to share, cooperate, punish, and show empathy?” Read this article by Marc Hauser in Discover magazine.
  6. Mother Teresa's biography ( )
  7. Revisiting the case ofKitty Genovese ( ) - You may have heard of Kitty Genovese, the woman stabbed to death in 1964 reportedly in front of 38 witnesses who did not come to her aid. But how about Kew Gardens ? That isthe name of thecommunity in New York where the tragicmurder of Kitty Genovese took place in 1964. A long-time resident provides apictorial history of Kew Gardens . Of particular interest is his review of the case of Kitty Genovese. He includes the original New York Times article reporting about the murder.He then attempts to carefully separate fact from fiction presented in the article and elsewhere about the case.

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