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Further Readings
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Barbour, A.G. and Zuckert, W.R. 1997. New tricks of tick-born pathogen. Nature 390:553-555. Surprising findings upon sequencing the Borrelia burgdorferi genome.

Cohen, Jon. 1997. Is an old virus up to new tricks? Science 277:312-313. Some scientists are concerned that monkeypox may emerge to replace the defeated human scourge, smallpox.

Ginsberg, H.S. et al.1998.Tick population trends and forest type. Science 281:349-351. Conflicting findings relating to the ecology of Lyme disease.

Mahalingam, R., et al. 1990. Latent varicella-zoster viral DNA in human trigeminal and thoracic ganglia. The New England Journal of Medicine 323:627-631.

McKenney, David et al. 1999. Broadly protective vaccine for Staphylococcus aureus based on an in vitro-expressed antigen. Science 284:1523-1527. 2000.

Measles, United States, 1999. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 49(25):557-560.

Oliver, J. H., et al. 1993. Conspecificity of the ticks Ixodes scapularis and I. dammini (Acari: Ixodidae). Journal of Medical Entomology 30:54.

Prevention of varicella. 1996. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 45(no.RR-11):1.

Rubella outbreak--Westchester County, New York, 1996. 1997-1998. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 48(26):560-563.

Russell, J. J. 2000. Topical therapy for acne. American Family Physician 61(2):357-365.

Staphylococcus aureus with reduced susceptibility to vancomycin. 2000. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 48(51):1165-1167.

Surveillance for Lyme disease, United States, 1992-1998. 2000. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 49(SS-3):1-11.

Szer, J. S., Taylor, E., and Steere, A. C. 1991. The long-term course of Lyme arthritis in children. The New England Journal of Medicine 325:159.

Varicella-related deaths, Florida, 1998. 1999. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 48(18):379-381.

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