1 |  |  The government and social order of a nation often shapes its land use and subsequent environmental issues. The practice of apartheid in South Africa forced the _______ majority population off their farmland. |
|  | A) | Dutch |
|  | B) | Indian immigrants |
|  | C) | Native black |
|  | D) | British Colonists |
2 |  |  Under apartheid, the white minority possessed the richest and most productive land. The black majority was relocated to the "homelands" which were characterized by_______. |
|  | A) | low rainfall |
|  | B) | extremely low temperatures |
|  | C) | high soil productivity |
|  | D) | temperate rainforests |
3 |  |  In 1652, the Dutch established its first settlement at the Cape of Good Hope. The primary land use of the native population of that area, the San, was _______. |
|  | A) | farming |
|  | B) | trading |
|  | C) | hunting/gathering |
|  | D) | all of the above |
4 |  |  Initially, the Dutch were interested in large-scale trade with the native Khoikhoi. However, the earliest wars between the Dutch and natives were over ________. |
|  | A) | slaves |
|  | B) | livestock |
|  | C) | land |
|  | D) | b and c are correct |
5 |  |  Prior to 1850, the history of South Africa was fraught with land wars between European colonists and the native black population. In these wars, the colonists were attempting to capture land for ________. |
|  | A) | agriculture |
|  | B) | silver mining |
|  | C) | lumber |
|  | D) | all of the above |
6 |  |  After 1859, new land uses other than agriculture were discovered in South Africa. Which activity increased both pressure over land use and increased dependency on the black majority? |
|  | A) | diamond mining |
|  | B) | commercial fishing |
|  | C) | gold mining |
|  | D) | all of the above |
|  | E) | a and c are correct |
7 |  |  Between 1960 and 1983, millions of black South Africans were forcibly moved from productive farmlands to homelands called Bantustans. Which of the following best describes the land in the Bantustans? |
|  | A) | low population |
|  | B) | low potential for crop production |
|  | C) | located on the western coast |
|  | D) | treacherous mountainous terrain |
8 |  |  The South African government relocated the black majority from productive farmlands to marginal lands for the purpose of creating _______. |
|  | A) | socialist voting blocks |
|  | B) | urban/industrial labor reserves |
|  | C) | centralized educational programs |
|  | D) | a and c are correct |
9 |  |  In the mid 1990s, the new South African government began the process of land restitution. This process has been challenged by _______. |
|  | A) | competing claims on the same piece of land |
|  | B) | claims with unclear documentation |
|  | C) | claims made by urban tenants |
|  | D) | all of the above |
|  | E) | b and c are correct |
10 |  |  In the Northern Province, most of the land parcels have only one claim while a few parcels have over 100 claims. What do all of the areas with few claims have in common? |
|  | A) | dry climate |
|  | B) | large population base |
|  | C) | white majority |
|  | D) | heavy flooding and mud slides |
11 |  |  In an effort to redress the dispossession of black citizens, the South African government has devised three different land programs. Under which program would a grass roots farming community be able to purchase land from the government that was previously owned by white citizens? |
|  | A) | tenure relations reform |
|  | B) | land restitution |
|  | C) | land reform or redistribution |
|  | D) | all of the above |
12 |  |  As part of the Land Reform Program, local communal property associations (CPAs) were formed. The goal of this program is to _______. |
|  | A) | improve land productivity |
|  | B) | redistribute land to black citizens |
|  | C) | improve the standard of living |
|  | D) | all of the above |
|  | E) | a and c are correct |
13 |  |  Geographer Brent McCusker studied the effectiveness of the Mahlambandlovu CPA (MCPA). His interview with the MCPA revealed that before joining the MCPA, the villagers were _______. |
|  | A) | farming successfully as independent farmers |
|  | B) | only raising livestock and no crops |
|  | C) | not producing enough food to feed themselves |
|  | D) | not farming but working in local factories |
14 |  |  In order to create the MCPA, the members needed to raise the money to purchase the land from the government. Where did the MCPA find the money to purchase the land? |
|  | A) | They sold the timber from the land. |
|  | B) | They pooled their Social Grants together. |
|  | C) | They mortgaged their homes in the village. |
|  | D) | They borrowed the funds from the International Bank. |
15 |  |  In order to understand the outcomes of the newly formed MCPA, McCusker needed to compare the MCPA results with that of a control farm, Platklip Farm. Why was this farm considered a control? |
|  | A) | It was located in the same geographic and political unit. |
|  | B) | The farm existed before the new land reform programs were in place. |
|  | C) | It had the same land-use activities, livestock, and crops. |
|  | D) | All of the above. |
16 |  |  Using LANDSAT imagery, McCusker found that the MCPA farm and Platklip farm used two very different farming systems. The MCPA was a closed unit, whereas the Platklip farm was an example of _______. |
|  | A) | extensification |
|  | B) | subsistence farming |
|  | C) | monoculture farming |
|  | D) | patchwork farming |
17 |  |  The physical geography of an area affects its climate and subsequent land use. Rotational grazing is the recommended land use for the MCPA because _______. |
|  | A) | overgrazing and dry climate causes soil erosion |
|  | B) | there is not enough water for crop irrigation |
|  | C) | the soil has been contaminated by mine spoils |
|  | D) | all of the above |
|  | E) | a and b are correct |
18 |  |  McCusker compared land-use change in both farm systems over time. Because it has been in existence longer, the _______ exhibited less change and was found to be more stable. |
|  | A) | MCPA |
|  | B) | Platklip Farm |
19 |  |  The high amount of land-use change in the MCPA is partly the result of _______, which means that the land is used less purposely. |
|  | A) | satellite imagery |
|  | B) | intensification |
|  | C) | extensification |
|  | D) | veldt fire |
20 |  |  Although there are 396 members of MCPA, only 70% participate in the communal farming process. What is the primary reason for lack of participation? |
|  | A) | lack of profits from the farm |
|  | B) | men are migrating to the cities for jobs |
|  | C) | the continued drought has caused loss of soil productivity |
|  | D) | lack of inexpensive transportation |
21 |  |  The land reform process is considered by some to be unsuccessful because 2001 statistics indicate that _______ controls 80% of the best farmland. |
|  | A) | the white minority |
|  | B) | the South African government |
|  | C) | the black majority |
|  | D) | the Indian minority |