1 |  |  Researcher, Richard Jones, believes that Mexican migration data can tell us about economic and social conditions in Mexico. What method does Jones use to ensure that he does not develop a statistical bias when studying the INS records? |
|  | A) | He collects only information from municipios. |
|  | B) | He conducts a sample by only using every tenth record. |
|  | C) | He determines the density by calculating the number of migrants per unit area. |
|  | D) | All of the above. |
2 |  |  Scientists often use mathematical equations or values to process raw data. Which of the following values can tell us the likelihood of an individual to migrate from a particular place? |
|  | A) | migrant density |
|  | B) | per capita value |
|  | C) | density |
|  | D) | standard deviation |
3 |  |  In order to compare the migrant density of specific regions, Jones developed a map that broke down the data into categories of high, medium, and low. What is the name of such a map? |
|  | A) | Arcview |
|  | B) | GIS layer |
|  | C) | Choropleth |
|  | D) | Chloroplast |
4 |  |  When using the equal interval method of classification, the North Central and Northeast regions appear to both have high migrant density. How does the migrant density classification change if the break point is shifted to the right one place on the number line? |
|  | A) | The Northeast region changes to medium migrant density. |
|  | B) | The Northwest, Northeast, and North Central regions change to high migrant density. |
|  | C) | All of the Northern regions change to medium migrant density. |
|  | D) | The Southern regions change to high migrant density. |
5 |  |  The term "formal region" refers to a political region, such as a state or county, whereas "informal regions" are functional areas with distinct characteristics. Which formal region in the "borderlands" has the highest migrant density per 1000 population? |
|  | A) | Northeast |
|  | B) | North Central |
|  | C) | Chihuahua |
|  | D) | Baha California Norte |
6 |  |  "Immigrant push-pull factors" are factors that push people out of rural areas and pull them into the city. The city of Ciudad Juarez plays a role in the immigration push-pull because _______. |
|  | A) | many people are migrating from southern farms due to drought |
|  | B) | it is located in an area with very low INS security |
|  | C) | it is a springboard between southern rural areas and lucrative jobs to the north |
|  | D) | all of the above |
7 |  |  While the official language of Mexico is Spanish, many Mexicans still speak only their Native American languages. Which region in Mexico has the highest percentage of native language speakers? |
|  | A) | Northwest |
|  | B) | South |
|  | C) | Central |
|  | D) | Northeast |
8 |  |  The term "out migration" refers to migration out of a specific area. Jones found little out migration from the southern states largely because of _______. |
|  | A) | high security in Mexico City |
|  | B) | the treacherous mountains in central Mexico |
|  | C) | the linguistic barrier |
|  | D) | a and b are correct |
9 |  |  Jones found that the migrant density of the Gulf and Pacific coastal regions were lower than many other areas in Mexico. Which of the following is NOT a possible cause for low migration in that area? |
|  | A) | agriculture |
|  | B) | tourism |
|  | C) | petroleum |
|  | D) | close-knit indigenous communities |
10 |  |  Urban environmental conditions are often predictors for migration, social, and political issues. Which of the following best describes conditions in Mexico City? |
|  | A) | Both extreme wealth and extreme poverty can be found in the city. |
|  | B) | The city suffers from extreme auto congestion and pollution. |
|  | C) | The city and state government provides affordable housing for all residents. |
|  | D) | a and b are correct. |
11 |  |  Urban areas, such as the band around Mexico City, generally have low migration due to the presence of higher-paying jobs. Why was Jones not surprised at the high number of migrants coming from the area west of the city? |
|  | A) | The region has been sending migrants north for over 100 years. |
|  | B) | The region is plagued with contaminated ground water. |
|  | C) | The region is extremely overpopulated. |
|  | D) | All of the above. |
12 |  |  In the North Central plateau, _______ created by the two ranges of the Sierra Madre Mountains causes the area to be dry and unsuitable for farming. |
|  | A) | a rain forest |
|  | B) | a rain shadow |
|  | C) | municipios |
|  | D) | cross current winds |
13 |  |  Jones wanted to determine if there was a relationship between the topography and vegetation of the North Central region and its high migrant density. Which GIS layer is used to view the actual ground cover or vegetation of an area? |
|  | A) | shaded relief |
|  | B) | satellite mosaic |
|  | C) | border municipios |
|  | D) | choropeth |
14 |  |  In addition to agriculture, the primary source of income in the Mesa del Norte is gold and silver mining. Which of the following factors have caused many of these jobs to be cut? |
|  | A) | stiffer environmental regulations on mine tailings |
|  | B) | a drop in the price of precious metals |
|  | C) | the use of cheaper substitutes such as tin or plastic |
|  | D) | b and c are correct |
15 |  |  Jones' findings about migration from the North Central region challenged a widespread assumption about migration. Which of the following best describes that finding? |
|  | A) | Most migrants migrate not to the U.S. but to the prosperous coastal regions. |
|  | B) | Most migrants migrate to the U.S. in order to obtain better educational opportunities. |
|  | C) | Most migrants travel back and forth between U.S. and Mexico several times per year. |
|  | D) | Most migrants are Native American speaking rather than Spanish speaking. |
16 |  |  Mexican migration to the U.S. is considered by many to be one of the purest forms of foreign aid. Why might that be true? |
|  | A) | The income is a crucial source of international capital. |
|  | B) | The income is used for capital investments. |
|  | C) | It is Mexico's fourth largest source of income. |
|  | D) | All of the above. |
|  | E) | A and b are correct. |
17 |  |  Because the North Central region is isolated and marginalized by its climate, poor economy, and political situation, it is often referred to as _______. |
|  | A) | the hollow core |
|  | B) | Mesa del Norte |
|  | C) | Ciudad Juarez |
|  | D) | a regional employment pole |
18 |  |  Jones found a correlation between low income and an increased probability of migration from the North Central region. What other push factor increases migration probability? |
|  | A) | the distance from a regional employment pole |
|  | B) | the distance from a Mexican city |
|  | C) | dependency on farm subsidies |
|  | D) | a and b are correct |
19 |  |  Jones' findings regarding Mexican migration to the U.S. indicates that 84% of all illegal immigrants in the U.S. come from _______. |
|  | A) | the hollow core |
|  | B) | the North Central region |
|  | C) | the West Central region |
|  | D) | all of the above |
20 |  |  An alternative developed to help reduce Mexican migration to the U.S. is the creation of "maquiladora" manufacturing plants in the Mexican border states. In the maquiladora analogy, the U.S. gives Mexico labor and wages in exchange for _______. |
|  | A) | stricter immigration laws |
|  | B) | the finished products |
|  | C) | free education for children |
|  | D) | corn and other grains |
21 |  |  Over time, new U.S. maquiladoras will move further south in search of a cheap labor source. Which of the following has made relocating further south easier for U.S. companies? |
|  | A) | improved living conditions in the hollow core |
|  | B) | the strong Canadian economy |
|  | C) | NAFTA |
|  | D) | All of the above |
22 |  |  The maquiladora employment data confirm Jones' assertion that maquiladoras have moved south. What specific trend in the data illustrates this? |
|  | A) | The hollow core experienced an increase of over 60,000 workers. |
|  | B) | The Northwest region experienced an increase of 250,000 workers. |
|  | C) | The Southern regions experienced an increase in the percentage of the total national maquiladora employment. |
|  | D) | All of the above. |
23 |  |  Rural-urban migration within Mexico is expected to increase as maquiladoras relocate to southern states. Which of the following is NOT considered a positive outcome of this type of migration? |
|  | A) | a reduced birth rate |
|  | B) | higher-paying jobs |
|  | C) | improved standard of living |
|  | D) | improved educational opportunities |
|  | E) | none of the above |
24 |  |  In recent decades, Americans have put great pressure on legislatures to stem the tide of immigration in an effort to save U.S. jobs. What has been the unintended long-term effect of U.S. efforts to enforce stricter migration regulations? |
|  | A) | More Mexican migrants now move to the U.S. permanently. |
|  | B) | Maquiladoras now employ fewer Mexicans. |
|  | C) | There is less permanent migration and more temporary migration. |
|  | D) | Free-trade agreements are failing and Mexico's gross national product has decreased. |