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Internet Exercises
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Let's get visual! Wherever applicable in this chapter -- draw! Make the concepts of the brain and nervous system come to life through images you create, both of the neural/brain structures themselves, as well as the processes they're involved in. Drawing and labeling the elements of study will help you to gain a better understanding of what you're learning about and how everything fits together.

For some great images, go to


After learning about various brain/nervous system disorders and subsequent functioning, write a brief story from the perspective of an individual stricken with a particular problem. Describe what a day might be like, or even what must be done to accomplish simple tasks. What about interacting with other people? What aspects of their lives are completely different due to their manner of brain/neural functioning?

For an example of such a story, see


Calling all animal lovers…Ever wonder why your dog acts the way he does? Want to interact with him more effectively or train him better? Begin by writing a profile of your pet. Which behaviors do you think are genetically based and which ones do you believe are completely learned? After your analyses, check out There are links to cat info too!


How do animal brains differ from human brains? Consider various species and brain structure similarities and differences. For more insight, check out

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