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Internet Exercises
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Imagine you are in charge of your campus' campaign to increase sleep deprivation awareness and promote better sleep habits in students. What would you do? What information would you present so as to make a strong point? For assistance, check out


Keep a dream journal for a month. For guidelines as to how to log your dreams and better understand them, go to


In what areas might you benefit from hypnosis? If such a method worked for bringing about behavioral change, would you pursue it? Create a list of questions you have with regards to hypnosis and its application and explore the website (You may need to copy and paste this URL into your browser address window if clicking on it does not bring you directly to the website.)

What did you learn? Do you have different feelings about hypnosis now than before? In what ways? What would you tell a friend who might be interested in looking into it?


Can you describe times when you've experienced different level of conscious awareness? Have you had certain experiences that you remember as being on a different plane of consciousness? To try and achieve an "out of body experience" go to to learn the techniques.

Did it work for you? Explain why or why not.

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