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amnesia  The loss of memory. p. 338
anterograde amnesia  A memory disorder that affects the retention of new information or events p. 338
Atkinson-Shiffrin theory  The view that memory involves a sequence of three stages: sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory. p. 311
connectionism (parallel distributed processing)  The theory that memory is stored throughout the brain in connections between neurons, several of which may work together to process a single memory. p. 323
decay theory  States that when something new is learned, a neurochemical memory trace is formed, but over time this trace tends to disintegrate. p. 337
elaboration  The extensiveness of processing at any given level of memory. p. 309
encoding  The way in which information gets into memory storage. p. 308
episodic memory  The retention of information about the where and when of life's happenings. p. 316
explicit memory (declarative memory)  The conscious recollection of information, such as specific facts or events and, at least in humans, information that can be verbally communicated. p. 316
implicit memory (nondeclarative memory)  Memory in which behavior is affected by prior experience with-out that experience being consciously recollected. p. 325
interference theory  States that people forget not because memories are actually lost from storage but because other information gets in the way of what we want to remember. p. 337
levels of processing theory  States that memory is on a continuum from shallow to deep, with deeper processing producing better memory. p. 308
long-term memory  A relatively permanent type of memory that holds huge amounts of information for a long period of time. p. 315
memory  The retention of information over time through encoding, storage, and retrieval. p. 306
priming  A type of implicit memory; information that people already have in storage is activated to help them remember new information better and faster. p. 319
proactive interference  Occurs when material that was learned earlier disrupts the recall of material learned later. p. 337
procedural memory  Memory for skills. p. 318
prospective memory  Remembering information about doing something in the future. p. 317
retrieval  The memory process of taking information out of storage. p. 326
retroactive interference  Occurs when material learned later disrupts the retrieval of information learned earlier. p. 337
retrograde amnesia  A memory disorder that involves memory loss for a segment of the past but not for new events. p. 339
retrospective memory  Remembering the past. p. 318
schema  A concept or framework that already exists at a given moment in a person's mind and that organizes and interprets information. p. 128
script  A schema for an event. p. 322
semantic memory  A person's knowledge about the world. p. 316
sensory memory  Holds information from the world in its original form only for an instant, not much longer than the brief time it is exposed to the visual, auditory, and other senses. p. 312
serial position effect  The tendency for items at the beginning and at the end of a list to be recalled more readily. p. 327
short-term memory  A limited-capacity memory system in which information is retained for only as long as 30 seconds unless strategies are used to retain it longer. p. 313
storage  Ways in which information is retained over time and how it is represented in memory. p. 311
working memory  A three-part system that temporarily holds information. Working memory is a kind of mental workbench on which information is manipulated and assembled to perform other cognitive tasks. p. 314

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