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Animation: Baroreceptor Reflex Control of Blood Pressure
(See related pages)

View the animation below, then complete the quiz to test your knowledge of the concept.

1Baroreceptors are located...
A)in the aorta and subclavian arteries.
B)in the aorta and carotid arteries.
C)aorta and carotid veins.
D)aorta and subclavian veins.
E)aorta and common iliac arteries.

2Action potentials are conducted from the baroreceptors to the brain via...
A)the vagus nerve.
B)the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves.
C)the vagus and phrenic nerves.
D)the phrenic and glossopharyngeal nerves.
E)the phrenic nerve.

3The action potential from the brain to the heart travels along...
A)the vagus nerve.
B)the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves.
C)the vagus and phrenic nerves.
D)the phrenic and glossopharyngeal nerves.
E)the phrenic nerve.

4Heart rate and stroke volume decrease under decreased parasympathetic stimulation.

5Increased sympathetic stimulation causes vasodilation, bringing elevated blood pressure back to normal.

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Home > Chapter 13 > Animation: Baroreceptor Reflex Control of Blood Pressure