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Animation: Alveolar Pressure Changes During Inspiration and Expiration
(See related pages)

View the animation below, then complete the quiz to test your knowledge of the concept.

1Inspiration begins as...
A)the diaphragm relaxes.
B)the diaphragm contracts.
C)the lungs expand.
D)the lungs contract.
E)none of the above.

2The result of the process of inspiration is...
A)increased alveolar volume causes increased alveolar pressure.
B)increased alveolar volume causes decreased alveolar pressure.
C)decreased alveolar volume causes increased alveolar pressure.
D)decreased alveolar volume causes decreased alveolar pressure.
E)increased alveolar pressure caused decreased alveolar volume.

3During expiration...
A)increased alveolar volume causes increased alveolar pressure.
B)increased alveolar volume causes decreased alveolar pressure.
C)decreased alveolar volume causes increased alveolar pressure.
D)decreased alveolar volume causes decreased alveolar pressure.
E)decreased alveolar pressure caused increased alveolar volume.

4The alveoli never attain equal pressure with the ambient (outside) air.

5As the volume in the alveoli increases, the pressure decreases.

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Home > Chapter 15 > Animation: Alveolar Pressure Changes During Inspiration and Expiration