Chapter 1: Introduction to Thematic Mapping
Chapter 2: Basic Geodesy, Coordinate Systems, and Scale
Chapter 3: Map Projections
Chapter 4: The Nature of Geographic Data and the Selection of Thematic Map Symbols
Chapter 5: Descriptive Statistics and Data Classification
Chapter 6: Mapping Enumeration and Other Areally Aggregated Data: The Choropleth Map
Chapter 7: The Dot Density Map
Chapter 8: From Point to Point: The Proportional Symbol Map
Chapter 9: Mapping Geographic Surfaces: Isarithmic and Three-Dimensional Maps
Chapter 10: The Cartogram: Value-by-Area Mapping
Chapter 11: Dynamic Representation: The Design of Flow Maps
Chapter 12: The Map Design Process and the Elements of Map Composition
Chapter 13: Making The Map Readable: The Intellident Use of Type
Chapter 14: Principles For Color Thematic Maps
Chapter 15: Printing Fundamentals and Prepress Operations for the Cartographer
Chapter 16: Introduction to Virtual and Web Mapping
Chapter 17: Effective Graphing for Cartographers
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