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Multiple Choice
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Read each question carefully and select the best answer.


The first place you should look for materials to support the content of your speech is
A)government documents.
B)other people.
C)reference yearbooks.
D)your own experiences.

Search engines such "Yahoo" or "Goggle" are Internet based websites that are specifically designed to help you search for information. Which of the following is often described as a criticism for using these types of search engines to find information for a presentation?
A)Search engines only provide one option for accessing information.
B)Search engines are likely to return hundreds of irrelevant websites.
C)Search engines do not allow for individuals to perform keyword searches.
D)Search engines are only effective for narrowing one's topic.

Which of the following search statements would return websites containing the phrase "media violence" that do not address violence on television?
A)media violence "television"
B)"media violence" NOT television
C)(media AND violence) NOT television
D)media violence (NOT television)

The American Lung Association would most likely have what type of server extension?

Individuals are asked to follow a number of important guidelines when setting up and conducting an interview. Which of the following is NOT one of these guidelines?
A)Be ambiguous about the purpose of the interview when making the initial contact.
B)Prepare specific questions that you plan to ask during the interview.
C)Be courteous and respectful to the interviewee.
D)Inform the interviewee about the method you plan to use when recording information.

If you were providing your audience with a description of your source material, how current the information is, and the source qualifications, you would be providing __________.
A)bibliographic references
B)verbal citations
C)internal references
D)source references

Sue makes up a story about a person who was saved in a car accident because they were wearing their seatbelt. This type of supporting material is called a
A)factual example.
B)hypothetical example.
C)survey example.
D)rhetorical example.

The type of testimony consisting of statements from an ordinary person is called
A)expert testimony.
B)ordinal testimony.
C)hypothetical testimony.
D)lay testimony.

While presenting information on the impact of sports in society, Justin stated that "According to Andy Billings, a Communication Professor at Clemson University..." This statement is an example of a __________.
A)verbal citations
B)internal references
C)bibliographic references
D)research notes

Specific instances used to illustrate a point are which type of supporting material?

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