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Learning Objectives
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The movies are our dream factories; they are bigger than life. Along with books, they are the only mass medium not dependent on advertising for their financial support. That means they must satisfy you, because you buy the tickets. This means that the relationship between medium and audience is different from those that exist with other media. After studying this chapter you should.

be familiar with the history and development of the film industry and film itself as a medium.
have a greater awareness of the cultural value of film and the implications of the blockbuster mentality for film as an important artistic and cultural medium.
be familiar with the three components of the film industry-production, distribution, and exhibition.
recognize how the organizational and economic nature of the contemporary film industry shapes the content of films.
understand the relationship between film and its audiences.
recognize the promise and peril of the new digital technologies to film as we know it.
possess improved film-watching media literacy skills, especially in interpreting merchandise tie-ins and product placements.

Baran Intro to Mass Comm OLCOnline Learning Center

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