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The physiological phenomenon in which our brain retains images we see for about 1/24 of a second is called
A)eye imaging.
C)distance surface scoping.
D)persistence of vision.

Who built the first motion picture studio?
A)Thomas Edison
B)Joseph Nicephore Niepce
C)William Henry Fox Talbot
D)the Lumiere brothers

The first American-made motion picture to tell a story was
A)A Trip to the Moon.
B)The Great Train Robbery.
C)The Birth of a Nation.
D)The Birth of a Race.

What device sparked the birth of the American movie business?
A)Edison's Vitascope
B)the kinetoscope
C)the calotype
D)the daguerreotype

What is considered the most influential silent film of all time?
A)The Birth of a Nation
B)A Trip to the Moon
C)The Birth of a Race
D)The Great Train Robbery

Which is considered the first sound film(s)?
A)The Jazz Singer
B)Lights of New York
C)Don Juan
D)All the above are correct.

What is vertical integration?
A)the system of operation in which a studio produces its own movie, distributes it to its own studios, and exhibits it in its own theaters
B)the practice of requiring exhibitors to rent groups of movies, often inferior, to secure a better one
C)the system of labeling a movie's content for moviegoers
D)the practice of taking a big screen movie and putting it on television

The Paramount Decision
A)ended the practice of block booking.
B)ruled vertical integration illegal.
C)destroyed the big studios' hold over moviemaking.
D)All the above are correct.

What was the basic purpose of the Motion Picture Production Code (MPPC)?
A)to improve salaries for movie stars
B)to assist celebrities who might be involved in scandals
C)to educate moviegoers
D)to improve the image of the movies by forbidding profanity and risqué scenes

In order to recapture audiences from television, the filmmaking industry
A)paid more attention to special effects.
B)increased the size of the screen.
C)made movies with innovative content.
D)All the above are correct.

Typical moviegoers in the United States are
A)senior citizens.
B)young professional people.
C)teenagers and young adults.
D)All the above are correct.

What is the all-time No. 1 domestic box office hit movie?
A)Forrest Gump
C)The Lion King

What was the Red Scare?
A)the Hollywood chapter of the anti-communism movement
B)the name of the biggest box office hit of all time
C)the term independent filmmakers used to refer to the big studios
D)the decision whether or not to make a film

Why is the 1999 movie The Blair Witch Project such a case study for filmmakers?
A)It was a surprise hit.
B)It only cost $100 to make.
C)It is considered the scariest movie of all time.
D)It is the most visible success of the growing microcinema movement.

What has slowed the distribution of motion pictures by the Internet?
A)the lack of widespread availability of high-speed modems
B)fear of the new technology
C)lack of computers in all U.S. households
D)All the above are correct.

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