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binary code  information transformed into a series of digits 1 and 0 for storage and manipulation in computers
blogs  Web journal that comments on the news with links to stories that back up the commentary with evidence
browsers  software programs loaded on personal computers and used to download and view Web files
censorware  unflattering name given to Web content-filtering software by its opponents
click stream  the series of choices made by a user on the Web
dataveillance  electronic coding or masking or information on the Web that can be deciphered only by a recipient with the decrypting key
digital computer  a computer that processes data reduced to a binary code
digital divide  the lack of technological access among people of color, the poor, the disabled, and those in rural communities
domain name  on the World Wide Web, an identifying name, rather than a site's formal URL, that gives some indication of the nature of a site's content or owner
e-mail (electronic mail)  function of Internet allowing communication via computer with anyone else online, anyplace in the world, with no long-distance fees
encryption  in copyright law, instances in which material may be used without permission or payment
fair use  in copyright law, instances in which material may be used without permission or payment
flash mobs (smart mobs)  large, geographically dispersed groups connected only by communications technology, quickly drawn together to perform collective action
global village  a McLuhan concept; new communication technologies permit people to become increasingly involved in one another's lives
hackers  people interested in technology, information, and communication through computers
home page  entry way into a Web site, containing information and hyperlinks to other material
hosts  computers linking individual personal computer users to the Internet
hyperlink  connection, embedded in Internet or Web site, allowing instant access to other material in that site as well as to material in other sites
information gap  the widening disparity in amounts and types of information available to information haves and have-nots
instant messaging (IM)  real-time e-mail, allowing two or more people to communicate instantaneously and in immediate response to one another
Internet  a global network of interconnected computers that communicate freely and share and exchange information
Internet service provider (ISP)  see provider
LANs (Local Area Networks)  networks connecting two or more computers, usually within the same building
mainframe computer  a large central computer to which users are connected by terminals
minicomputers  a relatively large central computer to which users are connected by terminals; not as large as a mainframe computer
multimedia  advanced sound and image capabilities for microcomputers
operating system  the software that tells the computer how to work
opt-in/opt-out  consumers giving permission to companies to sell personal data or consumers requesting that companies do not sell personal data
personal computer (PC)  see microcomputer
protocols  common communication rules and languages for computers linked to the Internet
radio frequency identification chip (RFIC)  grain-of-sand sized microchip and antenna embedded in consumer products that transmit a radio signal
search engines (sometimes called spiders, or Web crawlers)  Web- or Net-search software providing on-screen menus
sender pays  charging “postage” for e-mail
spiders  Web- or Net-search software providing on-screen menu
technology gap  the widening disparity between communication technology haves and have-nots
terminals  user workstations that are connected to larger centralized computers
URL (Uniform Resource Locator)  the designation of each file or directory on the host computer connected to the Internet
Usenet  also known as network news, an internationally distributed Internet bulletin board system
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)  phone calls transferred in digital packets over the Internet rather than on circuit-switched telephone wires
WANs (Wide Area Networks)  networks that connect several LANs in different locations
Web crawlers  see search engines
World Wide Web  a tool that serves as a means of accessing files on computers connected via the Internet
zone  Internet address information, typically either geographic or descriptive of the type of organization

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