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Learning Objectives
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It is no small irony that PR has such poor PR. We criticize the "flacks" who try to "spin" the truth, because PR is most obvious when used to reclaim the reputation of someone or some organization in need of such help. But PR can be much more than that. Good PR is invisible, and much invisible PR is used for good. After studying this chapter you should
be familiar with the history and development of the public relations industry.
be aware of the controversies surrounding unethical public relations practices.
recognize how the organizational and economic nature of the contemporary public relations industry shapes the messages with which publics interact.
be familiar with different types of public relations and the different publics each is designed to serve.
understand the relationship between public relations and its various publics.
possess improved media literacy skills when consuming public relations messages, especially crisis public relations.

Baran Intro to Mass Comm OLCOnline Learning Center

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