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Another name for public relations professionals is
A)snake oil salesmen.

Who was the first presidential press secretary?
A)Andrew Jackson
B)Amos Kendall
C)William Jennings Bryant
D)William McKinley

A pseudo-event is
A)an event staged specifically to attract public attention.
B)The Boston Tea Party.
C)a campaign to thwart the Stamp Act.
D)All the above are correct.

What did the Declarations of Principles argue?
A)Public relations practitioners should be purveyors of publicity, not providers of information.
B)Public relations practitioners should be providers of information, not purveyors of publicity.
C)Public relations practitioners should only distribute press releases.
D)Public relations practitioners should assist reporters.

The first large-scale public relations effort in this country was
A)a campaigns to improve the image of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
B)an image campaign to build interest in Henry Ford's automobiles.
C)efforts to shape public opinion following the nation's entry into World War I.
D)All the above are correct.

The books The Hucksters and The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit are important because
A)they showed Americans the inner workings of the public relations industry.
B)as popular movies, they were used to overcome U.S. isolationism in World War II.
C)they provided readers with a highly negative picture of the public relations industry.
D)they were later made into movies, and, thus, broadened the scope of negative publicity for railroad companies.

Which factors influenced the way the role of public relations in American society?
A)increasing corruption in American government
B)growth of the middle class
D)All the above are correct.

Public relations professionals interact with which groups?
D)All the above are correct.

What is lobbying?
A)directly interacting to influence elected officials or government regulators and agents
B)protesting in Washington, D.C. about a particular cause
C)the enhancement of communication between investor-owned companies and their shareholders
D)performing a specific set of services for a client for a specific and prearranged fee

Which percentage of U.S. companies has public relations departments?

What is a focus group?
A)small groups of a targeted public who are interviewed for research
B)a group of people chosen to be finalists for the next reality show
C)a group chosen as the best of the best
D)a group of people who want to go into public relations

Minority relations is an aspect of public relations. It is
A)a type of public affairs work that focuses on government agencies.
B)public relations people offering advice to an organization's management concerning policies regarding underage clients.
C)public affairs activities directed toward specific racial minorities.
D)All the above are correct.

A creative specialist
A)is the public relations professional who works most closely with a client.
B)provides the client with advice on how best to use the various media.
C)lobbies government officials for policies in the client's interest.
D)is anyone who works in meeting the communication needs of the client.

The practice of combining public relations, marketing, advertising, and promotion into a seamless campaign is known as
A)viral marketing.
B)integrated marketing communications.
C)satellite-delivered media.
D)video news conferences.

According to industry insiders and outsiders, what percentage of the stories we read in the newspaper or see on television originate either entirely or partially from a public relations operation?
A)10 to 20%
B)30 to 40%
C)50 to 90%
D)less than 10%

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