How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, 6/e
Jack R. Fraenkel,
San Francisco State University Norman E. Wallen,
Professor Emeritus San Francisco State University
ISBN: 0072981369 Copyright year: 2006
New to this Edition
Computer-Based Searches : New material in Chapter Five expands the coverage of searches to include techniques and search engines that focus on online resources.
Five New Annotated Research Studies : The new studies are "The Effect of Computer Simulation Activity versus a Hands-on Activity on Product Creativity in Technology Education," by Kurt T. Michael; "Progressing from Programmatic to Discovery Research: A Case Example with the Overjustification Effect," by Henry S. Roane, Wayne W. Fisher, and Erin M. McDonough; "When Teachers' and Parents' Values Differ: The Teachers' Ratings of Academic Competence in Children from Lower-Income Families," by Penny Hauser Cram, Selcuk R. Sirin, and Deborah Stipek; "Russian and American College Students' Attitudes, Perceptions, and Tendencies Towards Cheating," by Robert A. Lupton and Kenneth J. Chapman; and "A Comparison of Alternatively and Traditionally Prepared Teachers," by John W. Miller, Michael C. McKenna, and Beverly A. McKenna.
Mixed-Methods Research, Moderator Variables, and More : In addition to new coverage of both mixed-methods research and moderator variables, this edition offers an example of random cluster samples; addresses changes in ERIC; integrates new examples of statistical procedures; and provides expanded information on observation forms, histograms, and stem-and-leaf plots.
"Using SPSS" and "Using Excel" : New sections in the data analysis chapters provide practical guidelines for using these software programs to record, analyze, and present data. A new Appendix D, "Using SPSS," enhances the chapter coverage on this key topic.
Comprehensive Supplements Program: The text's integrated media program offers resources for extra practice, application, and research. The Student Mastery Activities Book allows for practice with difficult concepts. The Research Companion CD-ROM includes a student study guide, SPSS and Excel data sets, data analysis examples and resources, audio clips providing further coverage of topics, and electronic versions of key resources such as the problem sheets. The Online Learning Center includes the study guide, online resources, and PowerWeb articles and news feeds. The instructor supplements include an Instructor's Resource CD-ROM (with instructor's manual, test bank, and PowerPoint slides).
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